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March 2, 2016

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I’m calling on behalf of my neighbors who are here in Lombard and the tree service that is being used and how the trees are being just hacked and looking completely unnatural. I tried to call public works, they said nothing, they won’t do anything to change this. They’re doing a horrible job and besides this, they’re knocking down squirrels’ nests out of the trees as well. The squirrels are panicking and all around it’s a really bad thing. If you look at the trees, they’re in horrible, horrible shape. Trees are not meant to look like stick people.

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I don’t understand the pope’s comments. Is it OK to enter a country illegally and live off the hard-working people who made that country great by working 40 hours a week or more, paying taxes, insurance, etc.? They’re not here to become Americans. They’re here for a better life. If everything we pay for our whole lives is free, then I guess it’s a better life. We go to that country to vacation, so how bad can it be? Our money would be better spent on veterans who deserve better than they’re getting; they have to beg for money. Shouldn’t our government pay for their needs instead of illegals? Or, our senior citizens who worked their whole lives and can’t get an increase in Social Security, or our homeless and hungry Americans? America first. Close the border, Obama. Trump for president.

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I commented two weeks ago about holding down costs and even the necessity for any additional space at the Villa Park Library. Last week a “trustee” commented. First he or she stated that the “board of trustees” made the decision to expand, etc. They make a recommendation only. The voters make the decision. They talked about how “more space would be realized for the money.” Yes, but only if we really needed the space.  They quoted the number of visitors and programs. I think they missed the whole point, especially the need for the building in 10-15 years.  The idea of providing a $12,000,000 remodel/expansion for “meeting space” is way beyond what makes sense. Villa Park has two areas where meetings can be held. No matter what we finally decide to do, it will increase the tax burden of the average taxpayer at least an additional $120 a year. It is my suggestion that we see realistic plans to repair/renovate/rearrange the current structure. Also, how about this: Lombard is also wanting to expand/move Helen Plum Library. Could the two villages possibly work together and build a new, large library that would save both villages money and create a terrific space? Think about it. See you on April 18.

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Hi. I was wondering exactly where the Sam's Club is going in Lombard and what is the anticipated opening? Thank you.

Your question was addressed during Lombard Village President Keith Giagnorio’s state of the village address last month. Giagnorio said, “The village continues to work closely with Sam’s Club on their final development plans. Construction will hopefully begin this summer on their brand new building on Butterfield Road and we anxiously await this project coming to fruition.”—blm

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I am so tired of the propaganda, oops, I mean political cartoons, that are published in the Lombardian week after week after week making fun of the Democrats. The Republicans right now are engaged in a five-ring circus and will probably be less than that in the near future when a couple of them drop out and it is truly a circus to denigrate the Democrats in the Lombardian week after week. It is ridiculous. There are a lot of Democrats in Lombard, a lot of people who think the Republican Party is a joke, but the Lombardian's political slant is pretty obvious. It's disgusting, frankly. Thank you.

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Villa Park calling. I read in the Tuesday, Feb. 23, Sun-Times that our village president is running for Congress. How can that be, because our village president apparently cannot take care of our own village problems, such as sewers, flooding, parking, gangs, etc. Our village residents deserve more.

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Villa Park calling. I attended the State of the Village meeting at Willowbrook High School on Feb. 25 and agree with the recently-printed comment in this column that the high school auditorium meeting site was overkill. Not only were there less than 25 people in attendance, four of our village trustees didn't bother to come. Nick Cuzzone, Bob Wagner and Deb Bullwinkel had 8 feet of table space. And then we wonder why no one comes out to vote or just attends meetings or volunteers, when the trustees cannot even show up. How disappointing to find out there was so much information given about Sugar Creek Golf Course, such as how many rounds of golf were played last summer, as compared to the summer before; cutting down trees and grinding stumps at the golf course; and when a resident asked when he might have the stump ground in front of his house, public works or anyone else couldn't give him an answer. Let's not forget the urgent need for baseball diamonds, and there was very little information about the library building and empty store fronts.

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Villa Park calling. I voted for the tax increases to expand Willowbrook High School and to repair certain streets, even though I will not personally benefit from either but realizing that the community needs these assets. I will not be voting for the library tax since most of the information and services there are available elsewhere. I do believe some access to public libraries is important, so as a suggestion, maybe the library should physically downsize but increase their technology by moving into the adjacent building, old annex and empty doctor's office space and provide enough computer terminals and minimal staff to assist people with research and outreach programs. The old property could be sold at a profit, which might help to pay to get my street fixed.
