Speak Out

Call 630-629-TALK

October 20, 2016

Speak Out Archives


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Hey, Lombard Public Works, people are really confused here. Northbound on Finley Road you have a detour sign that sends people on to Madison, westbound. But Madison westbound is closed.


According to public works, there is no section of Madison that is closed to westbound traffic. The Village of Lombard provides updated construction information on its Web site at www.villageoflombard.org/construction. Residents may also visit www.villageoflombard.org/notifyme to sign up for e-mail alerts pertaining to specific projects of interest. In addition, anyone wishing to find out about Lombard's construction projects based on a location may visit an interactive map at www.villageoflombard.org/constructionmap.—JAC

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Dear Lombard, we are at the end of two terms of President Barack Obama. His policies have been disruptive for American. Unemployment is higher than reported. Policies have increased health care costs drastically. Policies have stifled businesses, resulting in job losses. Local property taxes are up and now the library wants a new building: No to that. The library has evolved into a multi-use building that could be described as including day care and a homeless shelter. Enough already. No more money for the library and for the upcoming election we have a chance to vote for more of the came socialism or we can vote capitalism. Let's make America great again. Thank you.

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Is there a vote on the Villa Park library repair this November? 



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Libraries are places of discovery for everyone in our community. Voting yes for the Helen Plum Library means that more than just the doors to the library will stay open during normal operating hours. It means that librarians have the resources they need to support individual and community exploration, education and enjoyment. The library is the heart of our community because everyone is welcome to discover, no matter their economic status, political affiliation, race or gender. Let's continue to build the Lombard community with forward progress, rather than let it go to rubble and ruin.

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Hello, Lombardian/Villa Park Review. I've been a reader for over 25 years and enjoy the new format, some of the new columnists. I can understand that the publishing date has changed to Thursdays, but it's happened twice now where I've gotten my paper the following Tuesday. Perhaps it's our postal service, perhaps not. I'm wondering if this could be researched and fixed. Thank you.


Please call the Lombardian office at 630-627-7010 and provide your address in order to get specific assistance.—JAC


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A 71-percent increase on my tax bill. The referendum, if passed this November, will mean an increase of 71 percent of the library portion of my tax bill. That is outrageous. I am against destroying our current library to build a new one. I am in favor of developing the empty lot that belongs to the library to include a drive-up window. Let's be responsible with our tax dollars. A 71 percent increase on the library portion of my tax bill is outrageous and unacceptable. Vote no for the library referendum.

Your comments were sent to library spokesperson Sue Wilsey, who responded: “The architects determined that adding a second building as suggested will be very costly because it will require its own mechanicals, plumbing, etc., separate from the main facility. The library board did consider estimates for an addition to the current building. They determined that the cost to build an addition on the west lot, while replacing all that is needed in the original building, including the HVAC system, the concrete plaza deck with the leaking membrane, and the original windows and roof, would only save taxpayers a few dollars a year over the cost for construction of a brand new facility. If the referendum is successful, the approximate percentage of the overall total typical Lombard property tax bill that will go to the Helen Plum Library will be 5.5 percent, compared to 3.2 percent now. Residents can visit helenplum.org to calculate their actual increase cost.”—JAC

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The latest presidential debate has proved one thing about Hillary Clinton: No matter how morally corrupt her husband was, she will apparently be willing to sell her soul just to get what she wants. She cannot be trusted running this country because she will do anything just to get a little bit of power for her personal gain. She will not make sacrifices for you or anybody else. All she thinks of is herself and what she wants. She's like a spoiled kid who has never grown up. She cannot be trusted. So do not vote for Hillary Clinton.

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There are two other candidates for president on the ballot. Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are both principled people with polar opposite views. If you are conservative, vote for Gary Johnson; if you are liberal vote for Jill Stein. Do not vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. It would be immoral to vote for either of these apparently evil people.

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Wow. What a show. Congratulations to all the students, staff and facility that presented “Aladdin” last weekend. The hard work and many, many hours of practice showed through all the great acting, singing and stage settings. Villa Park and Lombard are very proud of you all.

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Hi. I am calling to ask that you please keep SPEAK OUT without having anyone say their name, as someone wrote to request, because in essence people feel free to speak when others won't be attacking them for what they are saying. Also, in passing many houses today I saw many Clinton signs out there and sadly, I do believe you have blinders on. In essence, you are approving that she says it's OK to give abortions up until birth. You are approving that she wants to bring a lot more people into this country from Syria.


Editor’s note: SPEAK OUT does not publish callers’ names. Instead, those are the names of individuals or officials who have provided a response at our request.—JAC

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Hi. I'm agreeing with the old crank who called in SPEAK OUT last week complaining that the crossword was too small. It is too small. I'm not old and my eyes are not even bad, and it has been really frustrating to try and do the crossword puzzle in the Lombardian. That's something I look forward to, sitting down and relaxing with each week but now it's just become so irritating. It's not even relaxing or fun anymore. Please, I think you can understand if you take a look at it. Maybe you can expand it a little bit so regular people can see it. Thank you.

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Hi. This is Lombard calling, regarding the person who said all the other municipalities have got a fantastic library. Here's the thing. Helen Plum Library and the people who live in Lombard should not have to keep up with the guy next door. I don't worry about what my neighbor has in their yard or house. We shouldn't have to worry about what some other library has when it affects our taxes. Many people cannot afford to have their taxes raised, so I suggest the library rethink what they're doing. Goodbye.

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Hi. As a resident of Lombard for over 40 years, I've always supported the different propositions on the ballot—to increase the funding for the schools, to build a new swimming pool. Whatever it has been, I have always voted yes, with the understanding that it would make Lombard a better place to live. However, now as a senior citizen, I am finding that it will only increase your taxes by $300 this time, or it will only increase your taxes by $200 that time. I'm finding I can scarcely afford to remain in my home because taxes are so high. I just want to remind everybody that you will be a senior someday and the $300 that my taxes will go up for the library may mean a lot to you someday also. Thank you.

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Hello, Villa Park voters. Don't forget that a vote for Deb Conroy and a vote for Tom Cullerton only keeps the Mike Madigan machine running along smooth as a watch while we pay more and more. Goodbye.

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Hi, I'm a Lombard resident. I love my library as much as the next person. I use it often and I think it's great, but there are two things about the upcoming referendum that bother me. First, when the 20-year bond issuance is completed, it's the library board of trustees who will decide to keep or repeal the tax increase, not the Lombard residents. I think the residents should be the ones to vote on that. Otherwise I believe the tax increase will become permanent. Second, in the last three referendums they always shoot for the moon. Do we really need a cafe in our library? Voters would more likely approve a referendum asking for much less. I want an updated library but without all the bells and whistles. Also, the state needs to get its act together. If Illinois reduced our tax burden we'd actually have the money to fulfill a library wish list, cafe and all. Thank you.

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Who is responsible for adjusting the traffic lights in Lombard? The light at Wilson and Westmore needs help. Often the light turns red when there is no traffic coming on Wilson, and while waiting for it to turn back to green, the left-turn arrows come on and often, there's no one turning left. This is a busy intersection, especially in the morning when buses and cars are going to turn on  High Ridge. Hopefully it can be rectified soon, so the traffic can move along. Thank you.

Your comment was forwarded to Village of Lombard officials. Their response is as follows: “The Village of Lombard has jurisdiction over the traffic signal at Wilson Avenue and Westmore/Meyers Road. The traffic signal is maintained by a contractor who performed repair work on Sept. 14, 2016, to address issues with the detection equipment. In response to the SPEAK OUT comments received on Thursday, Oct. 13, 2016, village staff inspected the traffic signal. The signal has been determined to be functioning properly. Please feel free to call public works with any questions at 630-620-5740.”—JAC

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Oh, I am so happy to see Steve Spoden and Marymae Meyer chosen as Seniors of the Year. I was at the Senior Fair but left too early and wasn't there when they were recognized. I am so happy for Steve. He has worked so very hard all these years for the Lombardian; a true, true deserving candidate. Marymae Meyer is also a fantastic person and has done so much for our community. Oh, happy, happy, happy for both of them.

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I just read the letter to the editor—I thought it was hysterical—that James Aiello wrote. It appears as if he wants to intimidate people who are opposed to the work of the Yes Helen Committee by eliminating the SPEAK OUT page.

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This is regarding the crossword puzzle and the answers in the Lombardian. They are so small that even if you had 20/20 vision, no one would be able to read them. Thank you.
