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September 29, 2016

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Our state election is just as important as the national election. We must remove Madigan (Democrat) and select Clinton (Democrat). Trump has some good ideas, but changes his mind on anything and everything regularly. He has apparently made his millions on the backs of “working people” and now says he wants to “help” them get a better life. He can't have it both ways. We must have a balanced state budget. Yes it will mean cuts in services—to many groups—but we just can't keep spending more than we take in. There must be a limit to pensions for all public employees—and they must contribute to them, just like the rest of us do for our own pensions (and Social Security).




This is for all of the Barack Obama lovers and supporters. You think he's such a wonderful president? Well, let me tell you something: The labor participation rate is so low, we haven't seen this since the late 1970s under Jimmy  Carter. People are making less money now than they were when President Obama took office. Health care premiums have increase by almost $4,000. Food stamps have skyrocketed under this president, up almost 36 percent, and home ownership is down. The president has almost doubled the national debt. Wall Street has gotten richer but Main Street has not. The southern border is an absolute mess. Multiple homeland terror attacks under this president's watch. Obama has underestimated the threat of ISIS, which has spread throughout the Middle East and Europe. The bottom line, people, is that after almost eight years of this president, The American people are less wealthy and less safe. Wake up, America. Don't vote for a Republican or a Democrat. Vote for an Independent. What have you got to lose?




According to Illinois election data, as of Sept. 17, of the $20.9 million that the Illinois Republican Party has raised this election cycle, over $20 million came from Rauner directly, his campaign committee or his wife.  As a neighbor said to me yesterday, if you suddenly had $20 million to spare, would you spend it helping fund the care for people with autism, or would you spend it trying to elect people who are planning on cutting the funding for the care of people with autism? 




I'd like to thank the person responsible for booking  the band Heartsfield to this year's Villa Park Oktoberfest. They were truly great and I hope they can come back next year.




Hi, Lombard calling. Sept. 11, what a day. I remember where I was and I know most folks remember where they were when radical terrorists tried to destroy our way of life and freedom, but they didn't. We had a president with resolve, at least. I put out my flag and I noticed about five out my 20 neighbors on this close-knit, dead-end little street did the same. That would be 25 percent ratio of people who put out their flags. I just can't believe that people forget about 9/11. Our president's letting in anybody and everybody, and letting them out of Guantanamo Bay to go back and fight and try to kill our Marines. My son's a Marine. I don't appreciate the liberal thinking.




Change stop signs to yellow.  Have you noticed that even school buses don't come to a full stop? I have seen this many times. Please, Lombard and Villa Park police, stop at least these drivers who are putting out children at risk.




Hello, this is Lombard calling. I'm at Main Street and Roosevelt Road on a Friday afternoon, and I've got to tell you, I just came from downtown and there absolutely is less traffic at Michigan and State Street. No question about it. When will the construction project be completed in Lombard on Roosevelt Road?


The Village of Lombard provides updated construction information on its Web site at www.villageoflombard.org/construction. Residents may also visit www.villageoflombard.org/notifyme to sign up for e-mail alerts pertaining to specific projects of interest. In addition, anyone wishing to find out about Lombard's construction projects based on a location may visit an interactive map at www.villageoflombard.org/constructionmap.—JAC




If you have a car accident by somebody's driveway, it would be considerate to clean up the glass or at least tell the owner that it's there, and it would have been easily prevented if you had just read the signs on Taylor.




Villa Park calling. Did we miss the Villa Park Grand Prix or did they not have it this year?


According to the Village of Villa Park—which does not run the cycling event—it was not held this year.—JAC




Hi, Villa Park calling in response to the Lombard caller who called about pension reform. In the response that pensions are written into law by our state legislature, and that the pension benefit is state by the legislature, and this can't be changed for current employees by the state legislature, yet how can they change a law for marriage that has been set up by God and ha been around for thousands of years, but when it comes to the state employee pensions, they hide behind those same laws? I don't understand. I think it's time for people to wake up and see that we're being sold a bill of goods that isn't working. These laws need to be changed. Thanks.




In response to the person who said Thomas Jefferson should not be quoted because he was a slave owner, let me say that Thomas Jefferson was a great man. If not for him, maybe, just maybe, we would not have the country we have. Thomas Jefferson was human and made mistakes, as many of our leaders have done.




We live in the 500 block of East Washington Boulevard.  Today we received mail for a neighbor down the street, last week we received mail for a house on the 500 block of South Edgewood. Call the post office? All you ever get is “I'll speak to the carrier” which does nothing. Our previous carrier moved to another route last year— the training and the probation period is up for our new carrier.  Please, please pay attention to the mail that you're delivering. 




Fellow Lombardians, “Vote Yes” for Helen Plum Library yard signs are available. If you'd like to show your support, please email voteyeshplibrary@gmail.com or angela2016vote@gmail.com with your address and we will drop one off.




Angela Mullins, community co-chair of the Yes Helen" committee, talks about being fine with increased property taxes. What she doesn't talk about is she seems to spend her time trying to increase the taxes on working Lombardians.




Maybe it's me or I'm seeing things, or I've been around too long. Do we have another executive director at the Lombard Town Centre? It seems like we get a couple of them a year, or it's like a revolving door. What's going on? What's the accountability?




This in response to the person in the Sept. 22 SPEAK OUT about these athletes trashing the American flag and all it stands for. In my opinion, I think these athletes, if they don't like the America flag and the millions of dollars they make in this country, then get out of this country, that's all there is to it. If you want to disrespect the flag and this country, then you don't belong in this country.




Thank goodness for call blocking on my phone. Now I can silence the political calls for awhile. Also, for you local candidates who leave things on my front door with a “personal” message saying you’re sorry you missed me? You might be more inclined to get my attention if you spelled my name correctly.
