Speak Out

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December 14, 2017

Speak Out Archives


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Hello, Lombard. Hello, downtown Lombard. Another one bites the dust. Goodbye Carlson's. You were in Lombard for quite a long time. And what will village officials do? Nothing. Just wring their hands, oh, there's nothing we can do. But we'll get a tax increment financing program going for our friends at Yorktown. Goodbye.


According to a response from village officials: "The village understands that the property may be sold from one private property owner to another private property owner, which is not regulated or prohibited by the village. However, any future business use that may come to the site would be subject to Village Code provisions. To learn more about the village’s role in retail, please visit www.villageoflombard.org/retail."—JAC


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Mail delivery is bad — and it's not even near Christmas. I did not get my credit card bill one month, and now I didn't get the November water bill — I had to pay interest on both. Villa Park Post Office needs to get the house in order — things are not good.


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This is in response to the person who called thanking the couple who think Donald Trump is doing a fabulous job being president of the United States. I simply think that you are pathetic. I'm sorry to categorize it like this but anyone who can possibly stand behind this man is pathetic. He has destroyed the United States of America. He is destroying the people and now he's pushing through a tax plan that unless you listen to something other than Fox News you live off in what I like to call La La Land, our Medicare, our Social Security is at the top of the chopping block. Not to mention the millions of people who are going to lose medical coverage, who will not be able to afford chemo, so I guess they'll just have to die.


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Merry Christmas to you, Merry Christmas to you. Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.


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Hi, Lombard. A concerned citizen speaking. I just want to talk about my concern about the lack of solidarity in Lombard. We have a disturbing lack of solidarity and community and togetherness in this community and I think a lot of things could make that better; perhaps a community garden or a union. Thank you.


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That was a great thing that judge in San Francisco did, right? Let out the killer who killed that lady? Wow. It wasn't even manslaughter from what I understand. Boy, the liberal way is really the right way, isn't it? Sanctuary cities, that's a good idea. He's been deported five times? Keeps coming back. It would be nice if he could be locked up. It shows you what liberalism really is. Sure, Trump tweets and has some silly things to say but you know what, I think that's the direction we should be following, not the liberal way; knee jerk reaction, emotional reaction.


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Please help me understand. Some Americans hate, really hate, President Trump. He's so hated that people would rather see the United States continue on the path of Bush and Obama, a dangerous path. They don't want him to be successful. They don't want the U.S. to be successful. Some Americans wallow in hatred. Obama almost destroyed us. Clinton would have finished the job. I ask that our focus be on the United States and what is good for the country. There are issues that divide us deeply which others use to their own ends. Why do you hate the man so? I believe him to be, with all his faults, the savior of the United States and our way of life.


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Someone called in saying the difference between the Obama stock market rally and the Trump rally is the first was from monetary easing, and the second was a return to capitalism and fundamental values. Umm, it's the same rally, and it started under Obama. There have been no changes in taxes or interest rates from the day Trump became President until today. Return to capitalism? When did it ever leave?


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Lombard calling. According to Congress's own accounting office, this tax bill that our congressman, Peter Roskam, is taking credit for writing — and which Trump wants to sign — will, over the first 10 years, increase taxes on 87 million working families and cause 13 million to lose their health insurance, while cutting taxes on the wealthiest families in the country. Paul Ryan has already announced that he want to start the legislative process to cut Social Security. Merry Christmas.


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On Nov. 5, I sent an email to Congressman Roskam's office asking for his position these issues: Would he ever vote for any legislation to change Medicare? Does he support any legislation for universal gun background checks? What action would he take should Robert Mueller be fired without a legal reason? I did not receive a response. On Nov. 17, I sent a second email asking for a response to my Nov. 5 email and additionally asked why he voted for a tax bill that would cut Medicare spending. I have not received a response to that email either. I think that I and all of Congressman Roskam's constituents deserve to know his position on these issues. Thank you.


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High winds pushed our neighbor's garbage can down the street. It came to rest in front of our driveway. I suggest everybody put address stickers on their garbage cans so we all know to whom to return them. Bye.


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Exposed Salon recently moved from the 100 block of South Main Street to a new location at 310 S. Main St. Oh, it is so beautiful. Elegant chandelier, and the most unique mirrored wall. As you enter the entrance is on Ash Street, the painted wall has just the right amount of sparkle. The chairs are Hollywood gorgeous and comfortable. I felt like I was at an elegant Michigan Avenue salon. Way to go, gals. It's a beautiful new location.


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Every citizen of Lombard who pays taxes to the library needs to just take half an hour and go up to the Addison Public Library. It is just off Lake Street just west of Addison Road. Just walk in to the Addison Public Library and you will be astonished at what that village is able offer its taxpaying citizens. Not only is our current library inadequate but the proposal that the apparently incompetent administration and board have suggested with our tax dollars they have been collecting for nearly a year now, is unbelievable. The are seemingly very short-sighted and it is very embarrassing. How could Addison have such a beautiful library? They offer wonderful classes, they offer technology classes in the evenings and on weekends, not at 3 p.m. which is apparently more convenient for our library staff, as opposed to the convenience of the taxpaying citizens. You will be in awe when you walk into the Addison Library.


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Hi. I am the one who called to report that we found a dark gray cat. If anyone lost a cat around Maple Street, let us know. I did not give my phone number. I have been reading your paper for over 20 years and have my post-graduate degree. I don't know what you have against me but if you're going to act this way I'm not going to be a subscriber much longer. Another idea. You could put a little box in your paper saying "Lost pets or found pets." That might help. Thanks.


Editor's note: We are sure to what action you are referring, but please note that response was directed to a different, but just as well-meaning, caller. Also, our newspapers' Classifieds section has a category for lost and/or found items, which would include pets.—JAC


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In response to the SPEAK OUT last week about Al Franken being a hypocrite, all I have to say is I am ashamed of the Republican Party and that they support someone who allegedly had a sexual encounter with an underage girl, more and more because they are putting their selfishness above moral dignity and respect. It's a shame the Republican Party can't have more respect for American citizens and do the right thing for once. I just hope the people of Alabama are smart enough to not put a man accused of multiple sexual assaults in the Senate, but I'm not too sure, considering they elected a man who bragged about sexual assault on tape as president. That's all.


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Good afternoon. This is in response to the article that was written in the Thursday, Dec. 7, Villa Park Review regarding "New arch marks beginning of the Great Western Trail." I think the article misses the point in not listing the names of the Eagle Scouts nor the designer of the archway in the article. I understand this is probably an article or press release written by the Village of Villa Park; however, it's a golden opportunity for the Villa Park Review to come out and interview the Eagle Scouts, Ethan Rojek, son of Tony and Andy Rojek, owners of Pioneer Garden and Feed; and Maxwell Hield; along with Chris Poggi, a landscape architect designer who helped them facilitate the project. I encourage the Lombardian or Villa Park Review to reach out to them and do a feature on them as they are the ones who spearheaded the whole project. Thank you.


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Hi, this is Villa Park calling. I would like to thank the Village of Villa Park for not cleaning the stones that were dumped on Madison and Michigan Avenue. I called at the beginning of the week about the problem and as of Dec. 8, nothing has happened. Thank you.


According to Village of Villa Park officials, it was a utility company that left the stones, but the village plans to clean it up.—JAC


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Does anyone else remember all of the "experts" who proclaimed Trump's election would cause the stock market to crater? Of course, these know-it-alls had no idea what they were talking about. Some of these same people have the gall to tell us that the recent stock market surge is tied to Obama's policies. Sure. You bet. You told us things would be terrible under Trump. It turns out they aren't, so you're resorting to Plan B.


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Lombard. I would like to know if there are any witnesses to a vehicular accident that occurred at the intersection of Butterfield and Highland Avenue on Friday evening around 9 p.m. If there are any witnesses, could they please submit a report to the Downers Grove or Lombard Police Department? Thank you.


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To the person who called in and said he or she thinks the people who still fly the W for the Cubs win flag are probably ignorant of both politics and baseball, you know, a lot of people flying the W flag are Republicans also. With the state the world is in with the fool person we have sitting in the White House, the flag that all should be flying or the sign we should all have in our yard is "Help." If we don't get this man out of office, or if we don't turn Congress over to have people who actually work and don't try to pass tax plans that are going to kill us all, that's what you should be concentrating on; not a white flag hanging in somebody's yard.


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I've been trying to take my grandmother to a downtown restaurant for a long time, but that restaurant is not ADA compliant; there's no wheelchair ramp. I think it's pretty sad that just because there's a loophole in the village ordinance that allows you not to have a ramp because the building is old doesn't mean you should take advantage of it. If you want to be a progressive, behave like a progressive. Put the ramp in.


Your concern was sent Village of Lombard officials, who responded: "Accessibility in public buildings is governed by the Illinois Accessibility Code as well as the Federal ADA Standard. All new buildings and remodeled buildings have met these requirements. For remodeling projects, if the improvements consist of modifications to areas that are non-compliant, the remodeler must bring those elements up to compliance in a manner that meets accessibility criteria.


"If the noncompliant item is not being changed, it is possible that those items can remain in place. There are also requirements for full building compliance based upon total cost of construction as well as exemption provisions for designated historic structures. All work needs to meet code and pass final inspection.


"One thing that may encourage the business to make upgrades is to let the business know what challenges you face in accessing their establishment.


"The village is always ready to help the business with ideas also such as a small lift if a ramp will not fit. Additionally, for selected downtown properties, the village offers a façade grant that can cover exterior work, including accessibility upgrades. Please feel free to contact our Community Development Department at 630-620-5750 with any other questions."—JAC
