Speak Out

Call 630-629-TALK

December 7, 2017

Speak Out Archives


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I am disappointed that the village is ending the free leaf pick-up so soon. I went on the website to double check the end date, and saw that in 2009, it ended on Dec. 5; in 2010, on Dec. 7; and in 2013, on Dec. 4. One of my trees just recently dropped nearly all its leaves in one day, but with all the wet weather lately, and the cold on top of that, it's been harder to get the leaves raked up. Being a senior citizen also makes it harder to get the job done. Can't the village negotiate with Waste Management some kind of contingency plan should the end date prove to be unrealistic? And, can we still at least buy stickers and pay for leaf pick-up? We're hopefully still a ways from consistent snow on the ground.


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The trees lose their leaves every year later but the village has never changed the schedule for the free leaf pick-up, which ends Nov. 30. I wish they would consider extending it a week or two because we still have a lot of leaves on a lot of trees. Also, when does the leaf pick-up end for stickers on the bag?


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With so many trees still having leaves I hope the village will extend the free leaf pickup.


The Village of Lombard provided the following information regarding the leaf pick-up questions: "In response to a later leaf fall, yard waste collection was extended through Dec. 15, but will require stickers. The [six-week] free leaf collection program ended Dec. 1. State law prohibits landfilling refuse (garbage) trucks to contain more than 10 percent yard waste, requiring Waste Management to run separate trucks to deliver yard waste to farms. The free leaf collection program is aimed to assist the majority of leaf fall in Lombard, but cannot ensure that all trees will lose their leaves by the end of the program. The village would incur an additional cost of $4,300/week to extend this service for a minority of properties. As an alternative to bagging leaves, the village recommends mulching with a mower, which reduces the volume seven times, and raking under bushes, around trees, and into gardens. In addition, the village’s Compost Bin Grant program provides up to $80 to reimburse one bin per household. Please sign up for village e-news for weekly email updates at www.villageoflombard.org/enews, visit our website at www.villageoflombard.org/yardwaste and follow us on social media for current news. Please call Public Works at 630-620-5740 with questions."—JAC


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Donald Trump wouldn't know the truth if it walked up to him and slapped him right in the face. He doesn't know what the word means. He doesn't understand the workings of the federal government. The only thing Donald Trump knows how to do, as he says all the time, is perpetuate all the fake news that he spreads. He has denigrated our newspapers, he has denigrated our government, our court systems; he has denigrated everything that the United States of America has stood for, and yet, people seem to think because you question his sanity there's something wrong with us. Any person, in my opinion, who thinks this man has done any good for us, really does listen to fake news and they really need to get their heads, like ostriches, out of the hole and see what's really going on around the world with this man.


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I'm calling in response to the person who called in claiming that the stock market rally and the blooming economy is because of Barack Obama. The difference between the Obama stock rally and the Trump stock rally is the Obama rally was created by quantitative easing and cheap money for institutional investors. The Trump rally was created by a return to capitalism and fundamental values. These aren't things you will learn by watching fake news CNN. Thanks.


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Hi, this is Lombard calling. I'm referring to the Nov. 23 issue of the Lombardian. On Page 2 there are two columns' coverage of the fact that Lombard has raised the tax levy. That's newsworthy, but last week, hidden on a back page, was an article no bigger than the palm of my hand that said the DuPage County forest preserve had lowered its tax levy by 8.9 percent. This isn't news that deserves a Page 2, two-column coverage? I don't understand. We should thank DuPage County forest preserve President Joe Cantore and our Commissioner Jeffry Redick for their efforts to lower our taxes. We do appreciate your hard work.


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Hi. Has anyone on Maple Street lost a dark gray cat? We have had this cat come by our house and it is very friendly and eats out of my hand. I know it belongs to someone so if it's your cat, please call and say something, or if it was your cat and you don't want it you can call and say why. I just want to know if someone is crying because they lost a cat. It's safe. Thank you.


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Somebody's lost a gray cat with a brown color in the north end of Lombard. I have seen your cat for a couple of days.


Editor's note: It is our policy not to publish residents' phone numbers. We suggest you contact the police department, shelters, veterinary offices, etc., and supply them with that information, should the animal's owner recognize the description and wish to make contact.—JAC


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So, he's done it again — opened his presidential mouth an insulted war veterans/heroes with an "Indian" slur. This is the man we are supposed to respect?  I have to respect the office of the U.S. president, but not Mr. Trump. He is a terrible example for our country and our children. Impeachment can't come too soon.


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Hello, SPEAK OUT. Traveling east on Washington at Route 83, there used to be a sign that said "Use merge lane" when turning southbound on 83. It is now gone. What happened to it? That was a very efficient way to get people onto 83 by using the merge lane. Thank you.


Your concern was forwarded to Villa Park officials, who responded that the area in question is controlled by the Illinois Department of Transportation, or IDOT.—JAC


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Tax reform is supposed to be a reduction in taxes — not just a temporary reduction as Mr. Trump has planned for the middle class, while the upper class, his friends and relatives, receive a permanent reduction, one that the president thinks will encourage better wages.  History has proof that this does not happen when corporate America gets a tax cut — they give it to shareholders and already overpaid CEOs, CFOs, etc. Don't be fooled by the statements from a president who changes his mind so very often.


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Villa Park calling here. To the three punks who tried to destroy or steal our Christmas decorations that we put up every year for our family, you must have been surprised when you saw me coming around the corner, because you all ran like babies. I'm sure your parents are very proud of you. Next time you try to steal someone's Christmas decorations, you might be in for a big shock. Merry Christmas.


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President Trump calls Washington a swamp. No, Mr. President, Washington's a sewer that has to be flushed. Our tax dollars are used as a secret fund to pay out victims of sexual misconduct. Both parties should be ashamed. $15 million in tax dollars has been spent covering the shameful actions by who knows how many senators and congressmen. But my fellow citizens do nothing. We deserve the Washington sewer.


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Liberal hypocrite Al Franken remaining in Congress is the very definition of white privilege. I'm ashamed of the Democratic Party.


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I want to give a big thank you to the kind ladies and gentlemen who took the time to help me when I fell in front of the dollar store in Villa Park on Black Friday. I greatly appreciate their kindness and will always remember what they did. God bless all of you and have a beautiful holiday season. Again, thank you.


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Looks like somebody had quite the party in Villa Park on the Prairie Path, just west of Ardmore recently. Unfortunately, whoever had the party left tons of garbage, which they apparently decided was not worth their while to clean up. Presumably there were children at this party. I guess the example they're being shown is "Do what you want; let somebody else deal with the consequences of having to clean up after yourself." Horrible, horrible thing. A lot of garbage near the Prairie Path in Villa Park because somebody has enough energy to throw a party but doesn't have enough energy to clean up after themselves. Horrible.


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I just have to complain about all of the people complaining.  Just terrible. I’m fed up with reading all of the complaints in the SPEAK OUT section. This is a place where people should state their feelings, not what they want to complain about. So this is Lombard and thank you.


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After reading the calls in SPEAK OUT for the last several weeks I've come to the conclusion that the same people who voted for Donald Trump are the same ones who fly the Cubs W flag two months after the team lost its last game. These folks are blissfully ignorant about both politics and baseball. Thank you, goodbye.


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To the person who left a message in SPEAK OUT about W flags, and not to look at them if it bothers us. Well, it’s pretty difficult not to look at them when you and who knows how many other Cubs fans fly these stupid flags in everyone’s faces for months on end—from cars, flag poles, in front of businesses and restaurants or in people’s front windows. Thank God it’s the offseason. Oh, and your remark about the White Sox throwing the World Series in 1919. Are we sure the Cleveland Indians didn’t throw the 2016 World Series after taking a 3 games to 1 lead?


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I am concerned about the new configuration at the corner of Route 53 and North Avenue, where construction is going on for the Thornton’s gas station. I am all for the competition, but there is going to be a left-turn lane on the southbound side to get into the station, and while that will keep traffic flowing south in the other lanes, on the northbound side, a concrete median was constructed for the left-turn lane from 53 onto North Avenue, reducing the amount of cars that can be in that lane, presumably to make room for the new left turn lane. So, the left-turn lane from southbound effectively reduces the number of cars that can be in the 53 turn lane at one time, which will jam up traffic at least in the inner-most northbound lane, and also, I fear that there will be an accident when someone turns left and across traffic to get into the gas station. I think there should not be a left turn into the station.


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I'm calling to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.


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Lombard calling. So Luis Gutierrez—the champion of illegals from sea to shining sea who brought up articles of impeachment against Trump—is all of a sudden calling it quits? Hmmm. I can’t help but think there’s more to this blowhard leaving Washington, D.C., than meets the eye.
