Speak Out

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February 2, 2017

Speak Out Archives


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Libraries are great—but should not be a “show place” to keep up with other suburbs. We need only to fix up what Villa Park has, not increase size or add a snack bar or babysitting.


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Hello, Lombard calling. Just wondering if anyone else is underwhelmed on the progress being made in the development of Shangri-la, a.k.a. the Ken Loch golf course site. Exactly what is the status? It looks more like it's being developed to contain the native wild herds of buffalo. Or, is the next step the developer begins to wail and cry if financing did not materialize or the market has changed so drastically that they need to have a variation to increase the density or better yet, have all rental units? Thank you.


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There was an article in the Tribune about praying for our president. It was well written and meaningful. We should all pray for him—whether or not we want him as president or like his ways, we should pray that he will do the best for the people of the United States and the world. Put him in God's hands.


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The president had announced that taxpayers will be footing the bill (broken campaign promise) for a $25 billion wall, with $700 million in estimated annual maintenance costs. Illegal immigration across the Mexican border rose steadily from the 90s until the 2007 financial crisis (which hurt most of our country immensely but profited Trump and friends/cabinet members)—the undocumented population in this country has fallen or plateaued ever since. These are facts. Building a wall is at best a low or middle-priority enterprise and will do nothing to make America "great"—it would only create a relatively small number of temporary construction jobs while greatly enriching CEOs and shareholders in the private prison industry. What would really revitalize our country would be investing in scientific research. What made America great in the 40s-90s was not only manufacturing (which has been automated as much as outsourced) but developing new technology. Our new administration is at odds with science, it seems, and that is a path to ruin. If we made decisions logically instead of emotionally, our priorities would be different and we'd be better off for it.


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I am very sorry that Rep. Conroy voted to keep Rep. Madigan as Speaker. I have previously supported her, but can no longer. He is ruining our state by supporting financial programs that we cannot afford, cannot support and duplicate programs already in place through county and cities. Taxpayers of Illinois just can't keep paying for programs that are wonderful to have, but don't have funds to pay for. I know Rep. Conroy means well, but she apparently got funds from him, and Madigan should not be able to buy any vote.


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Hi, this is a resident of Lombard. I was just wondering when Glenbard East is going to get some decent coaching for all its teams. Thank you.


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I read with some interest and actually some amusement the response by the village with reference to repairing sinking sidewalks in town. They make it sound like they're magically fixed. My neighbor had blacktop ramping on her front sidewalk for the last three years and it's never been fixed. I've reported a 3-inch drop at the corner of my lot where it enters the street right next to a handicap ramp. It hasn't been ramped or fixed. The indication of their speed is apparently an overestimate.


Again, the response also states, “If you believe that there are hazardous conditions that exist, please contact the department of public works at 630-620-5740 or complete an online service request through the village’s Web site at www.villageoflombard.org/reportaconcern.”—JAC


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Hi, Lombard calling. I've been looking for a job now for quite awhile. My job got eliminated and my position got eliminated because of money. I have to say I am totally appalled by the way this country is going to employ skilled and knowledgeable employees. Granted, I only have a high school diploma. But I worked my way up to a great position because of my skills and abilities over many years. With everything being online apps now, you can't even express what you can do for a potential employer. And when you do get past that part, the job pays only $10 an hour for the same job you were doing for three times that, without degrees. Here's one I happened to look at: a barista at a retirement community has a requirement of an associate degree. Really? An associate degree to make a pot of coffee. Thank you, and please ponder this. It's really nuts.


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Hello, this is in reference to the caller for Thursday, Jan. 19, and it starts, “You say it’s only January and it’s amazing what Donald Trump has done.” I would have to say this person is a genius. The only sad thing is that it is Illinois standards. Thanks, bye.


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Hi, Villa Park. I'd like to reply to a comment in SPEAK OUT about the need for the Villa Park Library referendum. The referendum is for more than just adding space, although that's needed too. But the building is almost 50 years old. The roof and heating system need to be replaced; fire sprinklers need to be installed and we need more parking, too. It's a busy place and it's often crowded. I would suggest anyone who is wondering about the referendum, go to one of the public meetings at the library and find out why it's necessary. Thank you.


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You know what I’m sick of? It doesn't matter if you're on the right or the left. I'm very sick of people saying the word “untruth.” When are we going to go back to calling it a lie?


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Hello Helen Plum Library, Lombard Park District. Since both of you want to build new buildings, how about just building one building, maybe a little inter-agency cooperation and serving the public in the best possible way. Don't just say no. We know it can be done. Other communities have done so. Interestingly, libraries and fitness centers. Check it out.


Library spokesperson Sue Wilsey responded: “The [Helen Plum] Library's Board of Trustees, along with supporters of the new library building, made it clear to us that keeping it in the current location near downtown and adjacent to Lilacia Park is a priority. The new library building will only be increasing by 17,000 square feet and would not have enough space to add any recreational facilities.”—JAC


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Idon’t know who is responsible for this, but the winding driveway into the CVS on North Avenue, coming in off of Grace Street, is in terrible shape, potholes and such that on a good day are hard to avoid; especially after rain or snow, you can’t see them until you hit one. Please, whoever takes care of that driveway, fix it. It’s been bad for a really long time.


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Hello to the dear person who said if Hillary Clinton had been elected Democrats would be lecturing all of America to respect and honor the results. Oh, you are so wrong. If Hillary had won, the Democrats would be jumping for joy because she did win, actually, the popular vote of almost 3 million people. The Democrats would be jumping for joy because they would have a normal, sane human being in the office of the president. You have no problem with a man who has picked on everybody, yet he thinks Putin is the joy of the world. You're darn right the Democrats would have been dancing in the streets.


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Everybody says the hang-up in Illinois is because of Madigan. I personally don't want to see the unions gone from the state of Illinois. I don't want to see Illinois as a right-to-work state. Because if you don't understand exactly what a right-to-work state is, you need to fact check it. Gov. Rauner is not a governor. He is a CEO of business. He's the guy who buys the company, sells the company to gain a profit for himself. He's a venture capitalist. You can say what you want, but if you're a true governor, you govern the state. You do not sit in as a CEO as our president does and want to call all the shots. It's not a good thing for the state. Too many things have been cut that shouldn't be cut, but maybe if Rauner would leave the unions and the right to work off the talks for a budget, they might get somewhere.


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I keep hearing rumblings that the library referendum has yet to be certified, yet you look at the library board meetings. They seem to be moving forward with building plans. How can a library move forward on a plan that doesn't have a certified referendum result in a bond market that will refuse to issue bonds? Can you do more digging on this and help us understand? Is the library putting the taxpayer at risk by moving forward? I'd like to know.


Your inquiry was answered by library spokesperson Sue Wilsey: “The Helen Plum Library continues to move forward on plans to build a new building, but will not be able to begin construction or sign an interim lease until the simple human error by the DuPage Election Commission is resolved. Lawyers who represent all four of the taxing districts who successfully asked voters to pass a referendum during the Nov. 8 election are currently seeking a remedy of that error through both the legislative and judicial processes.”—JAC


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Congratulations, Villa Park. Still no financing on the garden station development. Looks like it's time for a new village board and you can chalk that up with the other village failure: the comprehensive plan. Looks like it's a vote for Pickerill. Good luck. Thank you. Villa Park.


The following is a response from Villa Park officials: “Golden Spike, LLC has informed the Village [of Villa Park] that it has received an offer to sell its property located within Villa Park to an international development corporation. The village believes that the sale is moving forward in a positive manner. We appreciate your patience as the sale progresses.”—JAC


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I’m the person who submitted the SPEAK OUT entry regarding how schools made a four-day weekend out of MLK day. A person called in last week and stated that teachers do work on teacher institute days, so I apologize for that oversight on my part. The caller went on to say how most teachers spend their MLK day either grading papers, completing lesson plans or report cards, and also spend their time on these particular tasks most weekends and weeknights throughout the school year. I’ll take the caller’s advice and put myself in their shoes. I have friends who are teachers, so believe it or not, I do have empathy for them. It’s a demanding and difficult job, especially nowadays having to deal with a lot of these entitled youngsters whose parents would rather be their kid’s friend instead of being their parent. So I salute the job that teachers do.

OK, now I’m going to ask the caller to put yourself in the shoes of those of us who work in the private sector. Most of us don’t get two weeks off during the holidays, don’t get a week off for spring break, don’t get holidays like MLK day off… and we certainly don’t get two months off in the summer. We’re lucky that we get two weeks off every year; that is, if we’re fortunate enough to stay with one company for five or 10 years without getting laid off due to downsizing or jobs being shipped overseas. Then there are the cost-of-living increases, healthcare benefits and pensions many of you receive that many of us in the private sector could only dream about. One more point: I guarantee that I’ve worked as many holidays, nights and weekends, if not more, in my particular line of work than my friends in the teaching profession without any type of compensation.
