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June 1, 2017

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I find Ms. Long's comments in one of your last articles on District 44 “we wanted to go in a different direction” interesting. Maybe it should be more like “we're going to do whatever the teachers want, no matter what.” Does the public really think that decisions made by the administration building (superintendent and assistant superintendent) were not endorsed and/or encouraged by the board? Anyone with common sense should know that it's the board that makes decisions; read the minutes. When teachers, some who are very close with our board, apparently became suddenly unhappy with a contract that they signed, the board seemingly decided to back down and reverse their support and then decided to let these guys take the fall. I understand from some teachers who have been around for a while that the prior superintendent just gave them what they wanted, agreed to everything—no questions asked. The current board apparently wanted to change that, for a while. Now Lombard will be back to giving, giving, giving…talk about your tax dollars. Good luck—just fill the superintendent position with another yes man, someone from the inside, then the unhappy teachers will be happy again. Great job, board.


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Channel surfing after the Manchester bombing, I wondered how long it would take MSNBC to find a way to blame Trump. Sure enough, about 30-40 minutes into the broadcast about the horrific incident, the president's visits to Saudi Arabia and Israel were brought up with a suggestion that there was a connection between the two. No, it was solely the work of an evil person—and any accomplices—intent on killing and maiming as many people as possible. This had to have been planned well in advance. There is no other way to spin it.


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The Lombard library board changed their meeting location apparently without legal notice in clear violation of Illinois law. What was their intent in changing the location and not telling anybody and how does their administration intentionally violate the law and think there's nothing wrong with that? The leadership at the library needs to change and get moving in the right direction if they ever hope to fix or rebuild the library.


According to library spokesperson Sue Wilsey, “A library genealogy program was scheduled at the same time as the board meeting. The Lombard Historical Society has always generously offered their Carriage House space to the library when there are two events simultaneously scheduled. A miscommunication had both the program and the board meeting booked at the location across the street, so early on Tuesday the board meeting was moved back to the library. Prior to the meeting being called to order, it was determined that holding the meeting without notifying the public 48 hours in advance of the location change would be a violation. Therefore the board meeting was canceled and the business scheduled for the meeting would be handled at the next library board meeting, held in the auditorium on June 6.”—JAC


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Lombard calling. God bless the families and prayers for those in Manchester with this brutal, radical terrorist act; just another one. It's a sorry situation. That's an example of what open borders can do. It was terrifying seeing that these people are going against young children. It's a sorry situation again; we need to close our borders; we need to do it now. Maybe Europe will learn. It's a bit too late, however; many of the refugees are in these countries, so lovingly let in by the liberals. As we open our borders, can't you see what's going on? All the snowflakes out there, I guess, can't put one and one together.


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Villa Park calling. I was reading the Daily Herald on May 24, which shows that Villa Park has a French market. Well, that's news to me, because the village board voted to end it. Villa Park still has signs up saying there is a French market, people are asking where is the French market; I called the company three times and received no answer. I would think the new regime in Villa Park would be more on the ball and get these signs down that are all over town, that are confusing people. If you're not going to have the French market, don't advertise it. Goodbye.


Your comments were forwarded to the Village of Villa Park. Village Manager Rich Keehner Jr. responded: “The Village [of Villa Park] did not provide the Daily Herald with information regarding the French Market, and the Village Board did not vote to cancel it. The French Market coordinator was unable to hold it this year due to a lack of vendor interest. The signs were removed earlier this week, and the Web site was updated to reflect the current status of the Market earlier this month.”—JAC


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April 12, I needed the paramedics. I was treated so well, being told each step what was happening. I'm a little late in thanking but ever so grateful for having such great personnel working for the Lombard paramedic unit. Thank you again, men. I didn't get names, needless to say, but you know who you are and thank you very, very much.


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Was just looking at the front page of the Tribune. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, this Republican health care bill that just passed in the House would nearly double the number of Americans without health insurance in the next decade. And this budget proposed by Trump would make dramatic cuts in both Medicare and Social Security disability. This is not what I signed on for. If our reps in Washington do not fix this, and fix it fast, I am going to start voting like a Chicagoan.


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Villa Park here. Just calling to say how much I enjoy the Villa Park Review. I enjoyed it before it changed hands but the new owners have really improved it tremendously. I love all the photographs and all the news of the village. Thank you so much.


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I don't know what the exact rules are regarding hours to mow the lawn, but my gosh, who cuts their grass at 8 a.m. on a Sunday? Somebody who lives near me, that's who. Another neighbor cut his or her lawn around 9 a.m. on Memorial Day. I understand that residents and some of these lawn cutting services are busy, and there are only so many hours in the day, but come on, how about waiting a little later in the day, especially on a holiday weekend.


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Hi, this is Lombard calling regarding the parting compensation for the two District 44 administrators. The caller is right on, but this practice applies to almost all of our school districts. They don't realize quality is not for sale. As long as school boards continue to buy into the rhetoric from the public unions and believe that highly-qualified candidates for teaching and administrative positions can be lured only by outlandish salaries and perks, public school districts will continue with their dog and pony show. These types of candidates are often interested in big salaries and perks, not children. Public unions ensure enormous public salaries, which lead to enormous public pensions, and most local school board members are well meaning, but very naive. And they're overwhelmed by people who have initials after their names. Thank you.


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This is our first Memorial Day under President Trump. I think it is a wonderful thing to finally have a commander in chief who cares and respects our military. President Obama cut the benefits to not take care of the VA and did not respect our military. It is wonderful to see how we have a commander in chief who has now implemented a new agency in the government that will take all veteran complaints. He's also implementing many programs to help our veterans. He's also giving our military the resources and the things they need to accomplish their missions and their goals. All you Democrats, liberals and anti-Trump people don't realize how lucky we are to have a president like President Trump. He's keeping our country safe, our citizens safe and giving us respect once again around the world that we did not have with Obama.
