Speak Out

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March 30, 2017

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Lombard Town Centre, which is funded by tax dollars, had an award ceremony recently, and I see they gave a volunteer award to the Helen Plum Library for being a volunteer. You can't tell me those staffers from the library are giving extra hours beyond their given work day.


Library spokesperson Sue Wilsey responded to your comments: "Helen Plum Library is honored to have received the Purple Partner Award from Lombard Town Centre. One of the library’s goals is to be a vital community partner with all of the organizations who also serve Lombard, including our schools, the [Lombard] Historical Society, the Chamber of Commerce and many more. Last year the library was a co-sponsor of several LTC downtown events where we provided graphic design assistance. As partners, these organizations provide a benefit to the library by helping us promote our services and resources on their Web sites, social media and at their locations."—JAC


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On March 30 the governor was hosting a political fundraising dinner for himself. If you wanted to make a $40,000 donation you could attend his private reception and have your picture taken with him. In an interview with the Sun Times, he said that money does not win elections and then suggested that Quinn's campaign outspent his in that very, very narrow election victory. Records show that Rauner's campaign outspent Quinn's by over $23 million. Ever notice how those with money like to tell you that money has nothing to do with their accomplishments?


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I’m no fan of the education secretary who was the focal point of Dr. David Larson’s column from District 87. Personally, I think Betsy DeVos was a lousy pick. I agree with some of his column, but here’s the part that I find to be quite arrogant and condescending. If I’m reading this correctly, Dr. Larson states that voucher schools run their schools with lower salaries and minimum benefits, and take advantage of the bigger teacher labor market by hiring younger teachers with no promise of permanent employment. He calls it “cheap labor.” Men and women who teach in private and parochial schools obviously don’t receive the salaries, the benefits, the cost-of-living increases—and let’s not forget the pensions—that you and your public school colleagues rake in on the backs of taxpayers like me, Dr. Larson. But as a product of a Catholic education myself, I guarantee you that teachers and administrators in private schools, whether younger or experienced, are just as dedicated to seeing young people learn as you are. I heard on the news that a principal from a Catholic school in Chicago got the Golden Apple award. I wonder if this principal fits under your definition of “cheap labor,” Dr. Larson.


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I understand the library could be remodeled for half the cost of what they are asking for. I think we should just fix up what we have and not get bigger, as that does not mean better, if we are only getting bigger to show off. I bet there is plenty of space if we just use it wisely.  Let's vote no until we fix only what needs to be fixed.


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I need everyone's help. My dog has been missing for three days now in the Lombard-Villa Park area. His name is Leo. Please spread the word.


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Reverse mortgage information in SPEAK OUT? It's bizarre that someone would contact a newspaper to ask about reverse mortgages, and that SPEAK OUT would give a lengthy response. What's next in SPEAK OUT? How to change a tire? How to make lasagna? How to perform CPR? How to swim the breaststroke?


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This is to the "driver" who honked at my child in order to apparently intimidate her into crossing Maple at Brewster near Sacred Heart on Friday, St. Patrick's Day, at approximately 4:40 p.m. Could you not see there was an oncoming car that had no intention of stopping? Thank goodness she had more sense than to listen to you. Had she listened to you or been lulled into your warped sense of safety, she would've been killed. Shame on you for trying to get a child to not follow her correct instincts. You should have your license revoked.


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At the urging of my neighbors, I was encouraged to attend a Lombard School District 44 school board meeting. I went recently and was astounded as to what I witnessed. A resident spoke at the beginning about outlandish costs the school district was spending on administrators' furniture and doctorate expenses. I was even more shocked by the response she was given by the school board. Nothing. Not one member including the administrators themselves could validate these expenses or even make contact with this taxpayer. Then, in the same week I learned our very own superintendent of schools is running for the school board in Plainfield. I would think his schedule would be filled running our own school district, especially with the building of a new $8.5 million dollar early childhood center. I wonder if he will approve such expenses for administrators in his own tax residency. Thank you.


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Good afternoon. I've just received my mail and within it there's a letter that came to me from an insurance agency here in Lombard, and on the bottom it says "Definition of a good neighbor: someone to be trusted, a courteous, friendly person who will help when help is needed. Someone you can count on, someone who cares." And this letter starts out giving my name: "I am following up with you on a quote you created with our office online." I don't have the Internet. That's classic. Where did they get this information? And on the bottom, "a good neighbor, someone to be trusted." I wouldn't trust them with the time of day. People, be careful what you receive in your mail. The world, I don't know where it's going. We need to pray, I guess. I don't know what else to do. Take care, have a good day, bye bye.


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Vote no for the Villa Park library referendum. Illinois has the highest property taxes in the United States. I have voted yes for all the infrastructure and school referendums in the past but it is time to be very selective in funding unnecessary mega-projects with property taxes. I didn't get a vote on the sewer separation and storm water fee, which is over $100 a year. The current library is adequate. I pay over $200 a year to maintain and fund the current library. Residents can use the College of DuPage library, which my taxes also support, for free if they need to use a world-class library. Thank you.


Editor's note: Reputable Web sites say New Jersey slightly tops Illinois. The lowest? Hawaii.—JAC


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Lombard here. I would trade for Villa Park's library issue. The apparent refusal to budge by the Lombard Park District board to allow any "air rights" and Plum Library board to seriously consider another location should have been resolved before even going to referendum. Did we learn nothing from 2004? The library board essentially said air rights didn't come up when they showed plans to the park board and the park board said that once the referendum plans were announced, it could or would no longer comment. But if the park district knew there might be a legal challenge to an agreement, I think there was a duty to taxpayers to point that out—without prejudice—so voters could be informed. All you folks who voted for it—and dragged by force those of us who didn't or couldn't afford the tax increase—may have been sold a bill of goods. Now it sounds like there will be even further delay getting the job done, and who knows how much extra in architect costs to keep making changes to the design plan and what increases in construction will be by then. I think the library should freeze that tax increase in good faith until there is a firm resolution—with more taxpayer outcry since it's our money. Read Col. Plum's will. He put faith in people to be trustees for a park and a library. It appears to be misplaced.


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This is Lombard calling. Please take a close look at your ballot for the upcoming local elections. Please pay close attention to those running for the library board. Let's get rid of the people who are incumbents and bring in new blood. Maybe they will be able to work together with the park district swap of land and be more fiscally responsible for us. Thank you.


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For the April 4 election please vote for Patel, Larkin, Brandt and Hussain for the library district. Some common sense and fresh faces will help fix the debacle the current board president has apparently led them into. They need to build smart and be wise with the tax increase. They currently seem to have no leadership and need new faces to steer them in the right direction.


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I read the District 87 superintendent's column in the March 23 newspaper. How interesting that the superintendent of a massive public school district would be such an expert on private schools and school vouchers. What a shock to find he would demonize private schools, school vouchers and the new U.S. Secretary of Education. I had to laugh at his comment about voucher schools “hiring younger teachers with no promise of permanent employment.” Question for Mr. Larson: Do you know who else has no promise of permanent employment in the United States? Answer: Everyone who works in the private sector. The entrenched public education bureaucrats aren’t against any new ideas because they think they could be harmful to our precious children. They just don't want anything to shrink the trough at which they've been feeding for decades.


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As longtime residents of Villa Park and users of the Villa Park Library, we support passing the library referendum for several reasons: The library board has demonstrated a conservative option for updating the facility and its programs. They’ve researched and studied alternatives with the help of professionals to provide the “most bang for the buck." The services provided are open to all citizens of Villa Park and there are many services. Use of the library has changed with the addition of technology and the staff in place provides extensive services for utilizing the written material and the technology features. Students of all ages are welcomed and assisted with learning because of the helpful staff and the materials provided. The proposed updating and additions will add value to the community, which then enhances your home value. We encourage everyone to support the referendum, which will allow the library to update, enlarge to meet needs and continue to provide the wide range of services and programs in existence and planned.


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I just want to state my opinion about the voting yes and the voting no for the library; the reason being, Villa Park raises my taxes every year. We apparently can't even get decent streets in this town, yet you want us to vote to put millions of dollars into the library. I think you need to fix the streets first. There are plenty of libraries around everybody can go to. You pay a fee and you get to use the libraries within your area. That's my opinion.


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Please vote yes for the Villa Park Library referendum. I've heard the comment, "I don't use the library so I'm voting against it," but as a voter you are beyond the age to attend any of the Villa Park schools. You are probably not taking beginning ballet or T-ball at the recreation department or hanging out at the fire or police department. Yet we all continue to support them because we need them for us, our children, our grandchildren, to make Villa Park a nice place to live, keep our home values up and attract new families to move here. The library is a well-used facility and now needs repairs. I was shocked to hear the library does not have fire sprinklers and shudder to think what could happen. This is not tear-down-the-library-and-build-a-new-one. No land is being bought. No trying to outdo any other town. This is taking care of our community and your support is greatly needed. On April 4, please vote yes for the Villa Park Library.


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Hi. I'm a Villa Park resident and wanted to address the caller who said the Villa Park Library was "going to cost so much and we only need to fix it not make it larger." The proposal was to increase the library size by 9,300 square feet. That additional space is required to make the library compliant with the Americans With Disabilities Act. The current collection of materials and books had to be put so close together that someone in a wheelchair isn't able to move through the collection. If the space is not added the building will not be fully compliant with current building safety and accessibility standards, which is why it's important to vote yes on April 4 for the Villa Park Library. Thank you.


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Hi. Good afternoon. My father lives in the 300 block of South Lombard in Lombard and he truly appreciates whichever neighbor or neighbors, every time it snows, snow blows or shovels his driveway and sidewalk for him. He truly appreciates it and would really like to know who it is so he can thank them in person. Thank you very much and have a good night.


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Hi, this is Villa Park calling in regard to the vote yes Villa Park Library referendum on April 4. My main reason to vote yes is to make sure this facility is compliant with the Americans With Disabilities Act. I believe every citizen who has any physical handicap should be able to access books and the elevator. This is my No. 1 reason for voting yes for this referendum. We need this in Villa Park. Vote yes April 4. Thank you.


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As a 56-year resident of Villa Park I was appalled at the caller who proposed a $10 visitor fee to use the library, plus the calculations were off. A library, especially in Villa Park, is more than a library building. It is the heart of our community. It is a place for children and adults to access books, programs, music, computers, wifi, education, self-learning and much more. It is open to everyone regardless of age or income. It allows children to dream and experiment and grow to love reading, to become a valuable member of our community. The library has developed partnerships with other groups to bring services to those who need those services. Our library is almost 50 years old. It needs updating and repair.


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I was reviewing the Villa Park village president candidates who are running and discovered that Albert Bulthuis isn't supporting the village library remodel. I do not agree with this. Is this true?


The candidate made the following statement: "I would like to say that I support the library bond issue and the library."—JAC
