Speak Out

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March 9, 2017

Speak Out Archives


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To the many speakers complaining about "illegals" in the past week, but especially the person who stated “I think we have more illegals than Americans in our country,” as a young person, I truly cannot wait for all you dinosaurs to die off so our society can embrace reason again. That assertion (more immigrants than Americans) bears no resemblance whatsoever to reality. None. I'd quote figures and reference statistics, but have found that people who rant about immigration using loaded and dehumanizing terms (and "think" things that are easily verifiable to be false) are not interested in the veracity of their views or evolving them. The author of that comment showed his or her stripes when the individual clarified that he or she is against "illegals, not immigrants who came here from Germany, Italy, China, everywhere..." Bad news, presumably older person—it's all of our country. Even as our administration continues its crackdown on undocumented immigrants, the composition of our country and the balance of power has shifted so that white supremacy is waning. And that's good. Let's evolve beyond racial tribalism and have smart/kind/humane/decent-supremacy instead.


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Hi Lombard. So, it occurred to me that if the more conservative Republicans are referred to as the Tea Party, then maybe the more liberal Democrats should be called the Whine Party. Yeah, Whine with an “H.” Buh-Bye.


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Shout out to the Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans Center in Wheaton.  Please consider taking your new or slightly used clothing and household goods to their center. 630-871-8387, www.helpaveteran.org or e-mail john@mshv.org. Our veterans deserve everything we can do for them.


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If I have a question for my bank, I will call the bank. If I have a question for the hardware store where I shop, I will call that hardware store. Am I making sense? Do I need to continue? People, if you have a question for the library, call the library. If you have a question for the fire department, call the fire department. If you have a question for the park district, call the park district. I haven't read a large amount of SPEAK OUT comments from people who said they contacted a village agency and didn't receive any assistance. I have found these agencies will answer your questions, and they won't put you on some kind of enemies list for asking a question.


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A library or fitness center does not belong on the DuPage Theatre property. The traffic and congestion on that corner is horrible now, especially at rush hour. Add more cars and people coming in and out all day long, that's a poor idea and always has been.


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I'm a Lombardian and I would like to file a complaint against the plastic water bottle usage in our town. Plastic water bottle usage has gone through the roof. Now, I am not one of those people who are so concerned about the environment, OK? People can do what they want, but at least please use recycled cardboard bottles. I think that would be a much better idea to have in lunchrooms, little boxed waters like the boxed milk. I think it will be much better for the economy because it takes a lot of money to make plastic water bottles. I think this is the biggest issue in America. If I don't see changes in Lombard I will move out. Thank you.


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To the churches and to all who say Jesus was a refugee, you need to read your Bible. Jesus was a Jew in Israel and without papers. If you were to ask him about immigration, his reply would be something on this order: "Remember, even heaven has a wall, a gate separating the wicked from the righteous and extreme vetting must be acknowledged in order to get in. What is your choice: smoking or non-smoking? You choose.”


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Lombard calling. It's a fact that during Obama's administration he deported more illegal individuals in record numbers. Not one protest, not one Oscar winner ranting and raving from the podium, no Grammy Award-winners ranting and raving. What happened? Trump gets elected and he's still doing the same thing Obama did, and all of a sudden, mass protests. Does this say anything about the fact that people are not willing to give him a chance? It was OK for Obama to deport record numbers of illegals. That's a fact, but it's not OK for Trump to do the same. Thank you.


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After another reader mentioned the ridiculous spending by Lombard School District 44, paying for doctorate programs for the administration which by some methods will impact the children my tax dollars are supporting, I would like the district to make a connection for us taxpayers to the impact of a $2,000-plus treadmill desk the superintendent has in his office plus the reconstruction of his doorway to get into his office. My granddaughter's teacher was supposed to get new furniture for her students back in December, and still doesn't have one piece. Come on, board members, remember the children.


Your comments were forwarded to district officials, who responded: “District 44 has been experimenting with various pieces of flexible furniture for staff and students with the hope of increasing productivity and learning. The reconstruction that is being referred to was simply replacing a door to include a window to allow viewing from the hallway. We believe the comment about furniture is likely a response to more flexible furniture pilots with some members of the facilities committee. All members of the committee, including this teacher, are aware that the purchase was delayed due to ordering complications. This was discussed with the committee. If the teacher or caller has questions about this, we urge them to contact us directly for a more complete answer.”—JAC


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Three recent reviews of Ohio's Statewide Registered Voter Database found over 820 non-citizens have registered to vote in that state since 2013. Admit it, voter-fraud deniers. Voter fraud happens.


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It would appear the District 44 School Board has abdicated its fiduciary responsibility owed to the taxpayers of Lombard. Tuition reimbursement for doctoral studies says to me the district has excess money to spend. Lombard voters need to remember this the next time there is a referendum by the district to increase their taxing percentage. People frequently mention that SPEAK OUT should be about local concerns. I feel this definitely qualifies. This kind of unnecessary spending is what puts districts in the red. The only benefits I see coming from this is the recipients not only get a free education but seemingly get job security based on the agreement. Hopefully when this is done they are candidates worthy to assume the position for which they are being groomed. Thank you.


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Hi, Villa Park calling. I read a recent SPEAK OUT where a caller stated it's time to vote all incumbents out. I totally agree. Take a look at your water bill now and the current charges on there. I have called the village and asked them how could I use exactly 4,000 gallons of water every month. I was advised it is rounded off. So I said, if I use 3,400 gallons of water I get charged for 4,000? They told me yes. So with water bills, the library, imagine how much our taxes will go up. And for what? To be competitive and stylish with other communities at the cost of who else—the taxpayer? Time to wake up, Villa Park, we are being taxed out of our homes. I agree. No incumbents. It's election time and it's time to drain the swamp. Thank you.
