Speak Out

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November 2, 2017

Speak Out Archives


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Hi, this is Villa Park calling. I would like to know why it seems the TV screens at Willowbrook are set on CNN all the time in the auditorium? Are they trying to indoctrinate students to a political slant or viewership being that CNN seems to be anti-Trump, pro-Democrat Party? Is there any explanation why CNN is on?


Your inquiry was forwarded to District 88 officials, who responded: "Thank you for your question. At Willowbrook High School and throughout DuPage High School District 88, we strive to provide students with educational experiences and opportunities that reflect various viewpoints and perspectives. The TVs are on throughout the day at Willowbrook to help students develop a global awareness and become active and informed citizens. Our goal is for students to hear a variety of voices, and our staff then guide and support them toward discovering their own voice and forming knowledgeable and thoughtful opinions through conversations and curricular work inside the classroom and beyond. We are always evaluating these experiences to ensure the best educational environment for our students that represents as many viewpoints as possible, and we will continue that process. If you have further questions, we would be happy to speak with you. Please call Willowbrook Principal Dr. Daniel Krause at 630-530-3439."—JAC


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Before he took office, Rauner and his wife declared that they were placing all of their assets in a blind trust.  Rauner's former business partner is now suing him. Rauner is trying to keep the court records sealed. He says that he cannot discuss the case because his assets are in a blind trust. The Tribune says Rauner never created a blind trust. Rauner is telling bond investors that the tax increase is permanent. Rauner is telling party donors that the increase is temporary. Which is it?


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State Rep. Peter Breen is shocked—shocked—that Rauner lied to him. Rauner apparently lied in his campaign, in the transition and as governor. An obvious tell; Rauner always tells a whopper after he uses the phrase: Do you know what? I am shocked that Breen holds office. Look at his history. He isn't just pro-life, he seems to think that law should be based on religious dogma. Because he is Christian, he blends in. If he were Muslim or Hindu, people would be up in arms.


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Remember when Trump and the Republicans promised that he would not cut Medicare or Medicaid? Well, the Republican Senate just passed a budget that cuts $500 billion from Medicare and $1 trillion from Medicaid so that they could cut the taxes on billionaires and corporations.


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Before you send comments to SPEAK OUT make sure you have the facts. There is no land grab by the Lombard Park District; they never agreed to any building by the library, at any time. The library showed pictures of a building to the public, knowing they did not have permission to build. The Yes Helen committee promoted this permanent tax increase. Some of the members of Yes Helen were not even Lombard residents. The library is now proposing two buildings, which means two HVAC systems, two elevators and close to twice the cost. It will cost the library more than the promised $22.3 million to build these two buildings. They have not looked at other locations; they say people voted for the current location.  Not true, people were seemingly duped into voting for a permanent tax increase.  The building and location were not on the ballot.


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I totally agree with the SPEAK OUT caller from last week telling Cubs fans to take down their W flags now that the season is over. You have all these Cubs fans flying their goofy W flags from their cars, on flag poles, putting them in their front windows at home or plastering them on Facebook day in and day out for months on end. Is this W flag some type of religious symbol? Sheeesh. Please give the rest of us a break at least during the winter months from sticking these silly W flags in our faces every day. Why not try putting an American flag up on your flagpole for a change? Thank you.


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Gov. Rauner flip-flopped on the abortion issue. Even though I am pro-life, I believe the issue is between a woman and her doctor. I will not judge another person's pro-choice position or a woman making the choice to terminate an early pregnancy. I have not walked in her shoes. I don't want to see Roe v. Wade overturned for that reason, but I don't want to have to pay for the procedure. And don't forget, pregnancy is preventable.


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At the Nov. 10 Plum Library board meeting, President Jason Brandt wisely suggested the board consult with their attorneys on whether there would be any show-stopping issues before they went full steam ahead with their last option set of drawings. The biggest issue is still the park district. They will need a right of access set of agreements. They must go onto the park district's land with permission in case there is any claim of damage. Another thoughtful board member questioned whether this new plan — which the architect said won't be a real set of drawings until January 2018 and then still possibly won't be a viable library —would violate the public trust. It seems most Plum Library board members are fully committed to building at the current location. And, is there going to be enough parking? They said they had to eliminate 10 handicap spots with this new plan. We hope at least the soil condition study will be completed soon to see if it will hold a 50,000-square-foot building. Don't build a disappointing library. At the moment, you have other location options. So many obstacles, so little time.


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For all you so-called anti-abortion people and Bruce Rauner, you think Bruce Rauner is a fool? Let me tell you something. At least he's not in jail. If anybody is a fool, it's Rod Blagojevich. And as far as this business about abortion, they need to just take it and can it because it doesn't belong in politics.


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I just saw that the Dow Jones closed at a record-breaking all-time high. Isn't that great? I wonder if it has anything to do with who's in the White House, or better yet, maybe it has something to do with who's not in the White House. When something like this happens, you don't see people screaming and yelling, "Hey, thank you, President Trump, you've had something to do with this," but they sure go after him with fake news and every other little thing they think he has done wrong. I think this is a wonderful step for the economy moving forward.


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Just wondering if anyone is missing a cat. We spotted a light ginger-colored cat near Madison Elementary School on Oct. 22. It might still be in the area if you want to look around. It did not have a collar.


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With all the businesses leaving Illinois, the high corporate tax rate, etc., I am surprised Amazon is even considering Illinois for one of its operations, although it would be great for our economy. When I read the criteria for Amazon's choice of location, such as acreage, available housing and transportation, it was the latter that made me think, uh-oh, that leaves us out. Public transportation, at least around the Lombard area and beyond, is pitiful, even though we have manufacturing north of North Avenue and toward the Downers Grove border off of Finley, and Yorktown and Oak Brook malls as job hubs. I read that the closest bus route from the Burlington train line is in Hinsdale, to get to Oak Brook. Schaumburg didn't seem to fare much better. People I know from north Lombard who don't drive cannot get to Yorktown or other parts of the village because public transportation is so sparse. Maybe this is something the village can explore. Not everyone can afford a taxi or Uber to get around nor should they have to.


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I must say I got the biggest kick out of one of the SPEAK OUT callers—a melting snowflake, I presume—who’s really gone off the deep end. He insists that people who voted for Trump were affected by an alien race. Taking into account the vast numbers of you who've become unhinged and have had a continuous conniption fit since inauguration day (like this caller), could it be that all of you have been taken over by an alien race?
