Speak Out

Call 630-629-TALK

October 12, 2017

Speak Out Archives


To speak out, send your message to Speak Out!

Editor's note: As a reminder, calls are limited to one minute, and submissions by email are limited to 200 words.


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Good morning. Lombard signs state 20 mph in school zones when children are present, no flashing yellow light attached. Some adjacent communities have this feature. What and when is the proper way to observe these school signs? P.S. Glenbard East High School along Main Street has a posted 35 mph and no school zone sign in sight. Thank you, concerned Lombardian.


Your question was submitted to the Village of Lombard for a response, which is as follows: "The Lombard Police Department takes the issue of traffic safety seriously. School zones are established based on state law and signage is based on the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). School zone signs with flashing lights are not required under the law, but are an option allowed by the MUTCD. Such signs can be very costly to install and maintain, and may not always be flashing when the school zone speed limit is in effect.


Per state law, school zones are in effect on school days between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m., when children are present and close enough to the roadway that a potential hazard exists. Examples include when children are walking down the sidewalk in a school zone or are playing during recess at a school in an area that is not far off of the roadway. As far as Glenbard East is concerned, there is not currently a required school zone in that area.  Please feel free to contact Traffic Safety Unit Sergeant Joe Grage at 630-873-4400 with any questions."—JAC


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It is just wonderful to see so many private flags at half staff after the recent tragedy in Las Vegas. All over Lombard and Villa Park flagpoles are reminding us of not only loss of life, but also the unity that we all share. We are a proud country and respect our flag whether we stand, sit or kneel.


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Our democracy is broken—politicians on all sides are seemingly bribed by special interest groups, to the disservice of we the people. The NRA is one of the strongest and most insidious lobbies, but it wasn't always that way. Until the 1970s, they advocated for hunting and shooting as a sport; now, they militantly oppose any kind of gun control (despite most Americans supporting common sense measures like mandatory background checks). Assault rifles, which serve no purpose other than injuring many people very quickly, were banned in 1994. A decade later, when it was time to renew the ban, the NRA had successfully bought the votes needed, and our country was inundated with weapons of war. What reason is there for civilians to own AR-15s? Now the NRA is trying to do away with restrictions on silencers and magazine size (which will undoubtedly result in worse mass shootings). Enough is enough — the Second Amendment explicitly calls for "well-regulated militia." Yet as long as big/dark money is allowed in politics, I fear that any regulations will benefit the people writing checks, not the citizens of this great nation.


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If the library were to succeed in trying to build where they are at, how many change orders and contingencies would come up and they would demand the park district approve all of them, because it's too late to turn back. The library board is in way over their head and are apparently not using common sense. Look at the big picture for all residents, not a few vocal supporters. Remember the citizens voted for a permanent tax increase, not a new building or a location. Read the referendum question and show me where the question asked about a building or location? The library showed a photo of a building they knew they could not build to get more tax money.


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To me, just as bad as texting or talking on the phone non-hands-free (although that is still a distraction), is having a dog sitting in a driver's lap, with its head hanging out the window. I saw this three times in less than a week. One guy, with the pooch in his lap, fur flapping in the breeze, also had a cigarette in his left hand at the same time. Those of you who are guilty would do well to visit http://www.pethealthnetwork.com about dogs sitting in a driver's lap, and citing a 2010 AAA survey that 20 percent of participants admitted to letting their dog sit on their lap while driving and 31 percent said they were distracted by their dog while driving. It's bad enough to let a dog stick its head out any passenger window; you wouldn't let your child do that, would you? The website addresses why this is dangerous for a dog; flying objects, damage to sensitive eyes, possibly trying to jump out, etc. This behavior should also be added to the list of distracted driving infractions worthy of getting a ticket.


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There's a saying that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, but I call our nation's unwillingness to address gun violence stubborn and ignorant. The NRA and gun manufacturers aren't ignorant—they profit from gun violence. Stock prices of weapons makers go up after mass murders. There will undoubtedly be GoFundMe pages set up to help victims in Las Vegas pay medical bills (because health care isn't a right, but owning assault rifles is), but the companies responsible for manufacturing instruments of death will be doing better than ever. That sounds pretty messed up, but we let it happen again and again, year after year. Our inaction suggests we are OK with innocents being murdered by deadly weapons. Are we? Are the victims of gun violence just "the price of freedom"? Would you tell that to a parent who lost a child in Newtown? Thoughts and prayers are meaningless—we need action. Bazookas and fully-automatic weapons are illegal, so clearly the right to bear arms isn't absolute. We can't legislate away evil, but we can make it harder for people to kill so many, so quickly. There is no excuse for our continued inaction.


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Hello, I'm calling to voice my support to have the library move to the old DuPage Theatre site. It would be wonderful if the village could work out an intergovernmental agreement to donate the land to the library and in return, perhaps have the park district compensate the village by services such as mowing the village lawns or property for several years or maybe just a cash payment. This needs to happen. It's a perfect location for the library and everybody wins. Village of Lombard, make this happen.


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The reception held at the Carriage House for Steve Spoden was so nice. His work was presented very nicely. Steve and his work are valuable to Lombard. He is so deserving and I'm so happy that there was such a nice gathering to honor him. Again, it was a lovely evening.


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Good morning, Lombard. President Trump won the election. As Americans we should all work with and support him. Give the man a chance and after four years, then the public can decide whether or not he deserves another term. After all, we who were in disagreement with Obama had to hold our noses for eight years. Thank you.


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That call last week about giving clothes to Castle Chevrolet for disaster victims is a great idea—and service to our community. I hope many churches and other organizations consider it.


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I would like to know why the village board of Lombard is choosing to be our moral compass. Video poker is legal in Illinois yet they choose to make a decision that I can't gamble in my own town and the revenue that would come from that is not accessible by Lombard. Yet I can go a few blocks to Villa Park and video poker is at the VFW. This is tax dollars we don't have.


Your inquiry was forwarded to Village of Lombard officials, who responded: "In 2010 and in 2014 this matter was brought to the village board for consideration. The village took public comment and heard concerns from residents in the community. At such time, the majority of public comments reflected opposition to the concept and the village board voted not to proceed with video gaming. At the present time, 17 DuPage County municipalities, including unincorporated DuPage County, do not currently permit video gaming. Residents who wish to express their opinion regarding this matter can contact the village at 630-620-5718 or share public comment at any upcoming village board meeting."—JAC


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Remember that the First Church of Lombard has free dinner every Wednesday at 5:30 for our communities—everyone is welcome.


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I read in another paper a letter to the editor, blaming the NRA for the Las Vegas shooter's ability to get the weapons he used, and for being able to buy and use a bump stock. No matter where you stand on the issue of gun control, the fact is, the NRA doesn't pass laws. It is the legislators who do, so that is where to focus your attention if you want something changed, no matter how challenging. The bottom line is, it's typical to mislay the blame, just like blaming the soda industry for obesity in children. In that case, I don't hear anyone holding the parents responsible. And I don't want to hear the lobbyist influence excuse. It still comes down to the politicians and holding their feet to the fire.


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Please, Mr. President—be much more careful on what you say. You scare people in this country and the world by careless words. Whether it's health care or nuclear war, your words are heard around the world. Those who voted for you are very disappointed in your words and actions.
