Speak Out

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September 14, 2017

Speak Out Archives


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A letter from the president on the library website is not accurate. They have budgeted more than $2 million for a temporary library site. Land swap with the park won't cost money for land. If Col. Plum's will designated a "free library" then why did my taxes just go up $300?


Editor's note: To repeat a response from a previous SPEAK OUT call, "Prior to the referendum, we determined that the costs for an interim Helen Plum Library location is $900,000 and that remains our budget."—JAC


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I agree with the park district in keeping Lilacia Park untouched by a new library. I voted for the new library and I am sorry I did. I assumed the library board had approved plans to move forward and the plans would add to the beauty of the park and neighborhood. Apparently they do not. Leave the library like it is or go somewhere else to build a new one. I love Lilacia Park and would not want even one bush destroyed for a building that has an ugly wall. In addition the library board is wrong for reportedly blaming the park district for its problems. The park district has been open and clear from the beginning. I am so glad the park district watches out for Lilacia Park. Meanwhile the library is collecting our tax money. So wrong.


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Good evening. I am a resident of Lombard and I have been for over 46 years. I was just wondering when the library will be returning our money that they took from us in taxes and please let us not forget the interest they are earning because I could be earning interest on that money, too. So, just put it in my account. Thank you.


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Does Glenbard East High School have a dress code? Some of the girls wear the very short, short shorts that they think they are going to the beach instead of to school. Their parents allow this and the teachers allow this, too? That's a shame. They should dress properly for school. Bye.


Your inquiry was forwarded to Glenbard Township High School District 87 officials, who responded: "Regarding the Speak Out caller, the Board of Education establishes guidelines for all students based upon the Illinois Association of School Boards guidelines and local community norms. We are interested in maintaining a school environment that promotes learning. Our dress code indicates that students' appearance must not disrupt the educational process, interfere with the maintenance of a positive teaching/learning climate, or compromise reasonable standards of health, safety and decency."—JAC


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Villa Park calling to bring up the closure of Kmart on Route 83. What kind of economy is DuPage County becoming when clothing stores are closing and you are forced to go online? We are becoming an area of auto parts and liquor stores and taco stands. This is disgraceful.


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Villa Park calling. What is happening at the Metra station? The windows at the shelter are filthy. Messages written in filth by the gang bangers. Where are the cameras? Where are the police? Where are the no smoking signs? Welcome to the dump.


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Hi. I'm a lifelong Lombard resident of 35 years. I take some amusement with the talk of air rights and the library and the park district. When the library set out to build this new building one presumes they knew about the air rights and if they didn't, they should have. Yet, we get down to public opinion time and suddenly discover there is an air rights issue. Almost as a way of trying to force the park district's hand, the library board makes it public after the fact of going after the money for the new building. I think that's in bad taste. I just can't really comprehend why you, the Helen Plum Library Board, would do something that is not up to the kinds of things we do here in Lombard.


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Hi, this is Lombard calling about the library situation. Last week there were at least four comments in the SPEAK OUT calls about the library not looking after the taxpayers. The voters have said they want a new library. It seems obvious the board needs to move forward. One of the locations the park board offered could and should become a suitable location. The library board has already wasted several months by doing nothing. Follow the park district's example of the new rec center. Look how they have moved forward on that. The library board should start building before the old boiler gives out and costs us more money. Save the $900,000 on an interim facility. Find a place to build a facility.


Editor's note: For those who perhaps have not read SPEAK OUT, the library has consistently responded in this column that besides listening to residents who want the library to remain where it is, the options for a different location presented by the park district —and residents, such as the former Mr. Z's — were deemed not suitable.  See the letter to the editor on Page 4.—JAC


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This is to the person who was talking about Charlottesville, Virginia, and the gentleman who rammed his car into all those people. So you say the mainstream media didn't show pictures of these people sitting on his car and maybe bumped it or hit it with signs, whatever. Do you believe that gives him the right to drive his car into unarmed people? He used his car as a weapon of murder. He used his car to ram it into people, no matter how many killed. Unfortunately he killed one but he maimed many others for the rest of their lives. You think this is all right because they sat on his car and maybe hit it with a sign?


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When I was a child I used the Plum mansion library. When the new library was built it was a lovely change for me. The children's section was upstairs and full of natural light. I left town for a few years and was shocked to see that the park district offices were now in the children's library space. The children's section was now on the main floor without any natural light. How this happened I don't know, but how sad. Lilacia Park is used a lot in May and December. The library is used year-round. It seems a no-brainer that the park district should give up a few feet for the library. Col. Plum donated the land to the residents of Lombard, who now have voted for a new library. If lilacs and tulips are what you want, plant them at the park district building on Wilson. I don't remember that there was any referendum for that.


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To the caller dissing the Salvation Army and Goodwill stores, asking, "Who wants to buy other people's used clothing?" Boy, those stores have sure come in handy in my family. First, they sell not only clothes but many other items, all of which are getting repurposed and staying out of landfills a little longer. Second, there are folks who can't afford to shop at the retail stores, so they can at least find something decent to wear — think job interview, school clothes for the kids, etc. — or even an inexpensive costume or holiday wear. Third, sales help train the unemployed or individuals with disabilities, and their stores provide jobs as well. Fourth, I have found clothing items that are not only new, but still have the original store tags. Lastly, these stores contribute to our local economy and provide revenues like any other store. In fact, maybe as much as other retail stores. Just check out the parking lot sometime and see how many people are spending their money there.


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The Second World War ended in 1945. We still have military serving in Germany. I have to agree with the previous caller. If you did not serve by 1945, you are not a WW2 vet. Our governor loves talking about his immigrant grandparents who could barely speak English.  According to Census records, all of his grandparents were born in this country. His great-grandfather was brought from Sweden when he was 6, and ended up with a seventh-grade education. In 1940 he was speaking English, but that was well before the governor was born. Trump can't seem to go a day without engaging in alternative facts. Where does it all end?


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A TV commercial has a pediatrician in favor of the beverage tax talking about obese children under age 5 or so, and that the beverage industry is targeting these kids. Wait a minute, kids who can't even read or choose their own beverages yet? What about putting the responsibility on the parents or guardians who are in charge of what the children consume, beverages or otherwise? And don't tell me that tax money will go toward health programs, prevention, etc. I don't believe it.


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Hey, great to see all those cars in the parking lot and filling up and shopping at Mariano's. It's a beautiful thing. Wouldn't that be special, just special, if we could have had something like that in the downtown area, the old Mr. Z's, St. Charles Road. Oh, well. Who's paying for the police? I think it's a good idea, safety first and all that. The village or Mariano's? And by the village I mean the taxpayers, of course.


Your question was forwarded to Lombard officials, who responded: "Mariano’s had the opportunity to locate at either location. However, the former Kmart site was selected as it had a much larger site that could fit their store footprint. The Roosevelt Road site is also located at the intersection of two major roadways that would provide for a larger draw of customers from throughout east central DuPage County. Per the development agreement for the property, the village is obligated to provide traffic assistance for Mariano’s in the event that the store opened up prior to the permanent traffic signals being installed on Roosevelt Road.

Due to the mild winter, the contractor for the property was able to complete the store sooner than originally contemplated by six to eight weeks. Additionally, delays by the Illinois Department of Transportation, who controls Roosevelt Road, resulted in a delay in ordering the new signal equipment.  To allow the store to open, off-duty officers have been temporarily assigned to the location at selected times.  Costs incurred for additional service are supported by the additional sales taxes generated by the store opening earlier than anticipated.  Thank you for your inquiry."—JAC


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I voted for President Trump and I will vote for him in 2020. I also support the idea of a new library in Lombard.


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In this era of fake news and alternative facts, we have someone authenticating an 85-year-old as a World War II veteran. That war ended in 1945, when he was 13 years old. I commend his service in occupied Germany afterward, and he may have received GI Bill benefits the same as those who served from 1941-45, but he was not a veteran of that war.
