Speak Out

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April 26, 2018

Speak Out Archives


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Hi, this is Lombard calling from the north side of town. The village's street officials put up a speedometer sign on the corner of Ridge and Sunset at the stop sign. When you stop, your speed limit is zero. Just curious as far as who decided to put a speedometer to tell you if you're speeding at a stop sign. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Have a great day. God bless everybody. Amen.


Your comment was forwarded to Lombard village officials, who responded: "The temporary speed sign was put in to display the speed of vehicles in that specific location, as a result of a resident concern. This type of sign helps drivers to monitor their own speeds. The temporary sign has been removed. We’re thankful that the caller comes to a complete stop at stop signs and we hope that all drivers will obey posted speed limits and traffic signs. Please feel free to reach out to the Lombard Police Department at 630-873-4400 with any future questions regarding traffic."—JAC


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On Friday, April 20, a woman in the McDonald's purchased orange juice and hash browns for a young man who appeared to be in need. It was nice to see that and I think we could all use to pay it forward somehow, sometime, when we can, whether paying for someone's food or groceries, helping someone cross the street or put groceries in the car, or letting someone go ahead of you in line. It made my day to see this and I will make sure to practice what I preach.


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This is Lombard. I just read SPEAK OUT about the person sleeping on the bench at the Metra station and the Lombard Police answer to that was, if you see something, call 9-1-1 and that they patrol it twice a day. When that was first being built, I talked to the police chief at the time. He assured me that the police are monitoring that walkway underneath where it's dark and crimes could be committed so easily. He assured me that they're monitoring the security cameras. No mention of that was in the response from the police department, so is that something they're not doing anymore? If so, I'm not walking under there at night. No way.  Thanks. Bye.


The response from village officials is as follows: "Several weeks ago we received a SPEAK OUT that referenced a specific situation that took place on the Metra platform and did not include any mention of the Metra Underpass Tunnel. We continue to encourage people to call 9-1-1 when faced with unsafe situations, so an officer can be dispatched to the scene at the time of occurrence.


In response to this SPEAK OUT, you are correct.  The Lombard Police Department continues to monitor the Metra Underpass Tunnel, which is brightly lit 24/7. This monitoring includes video camera surveillance and foot patrols. If you have a specific question about the underpass tunnel, please feel free to contact the Police Department directly at 630-873-4400."—JAC


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When I think about the legacy of Barbara Bush, I can't help but think of her as one of the finest first ladies, and of her commitment to literacy. I also think of all the charitable things she advocated and how much money she helped raise for literacy—the basis for all learning. I also can't help but think of the enormous sums some of our other presidents and former first ladies have commanded as speakers. Shame on the institutions who are willing to fork over that kind of money that could be used to help people in need. Same with all the money spent on campaigning. I guess that shows the priorities in this country, next to actors and athletes.


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Thanks to Peter Breen for standing up for oppressed minorities; that being the taxpayer who could best afford to dig a little deeper to offset those struggling to make ends meet before Trump signed the shameful permanent tax cuts this year. Progressive tax, I’m for it. It’s not class warfare because we’ve already lost that war.


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It's that time of year again, to mulch around trees. I'm no expert but I do know you're not supposed to create those huge mulch volcanoes around the tree trunks, because it creates dampness that attracts everything from artillery fungus and diseases to vermin. If you don't agree, read the home and garden section of the April 22 Daily Herald. It is perfectly spelled out. I saw a lawn company spread that hideous bright red mulch the other day in front of a home, and sure enough, a huge volcano was piled around a tree. I would have switched companies after that, if the so-called experts don't even know better.


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Count the following human failings that helped with our nation's decline: Well, caller, you must be looking through rose-colored glasses because if you think the president is doing a grand job, then you're looking through rainbow glasses and you are a FOX News listener or you wouldn't even have called in. It's very pitiful you try to even compare him to Clinton, Bush or President Obama. This man Trump is an illicit president. He is everything the United States doesn't need.


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If you receive Social Security or are planning to receive it when you retire after years of paying into it, remember when you go to the polls to vote; Peter Roskam voted against receiving anything. Better hope your savings will carry you through all your retirement years. When people went to his office to confront him on this issue, he snuck in and out the back door of his office.


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Lombard calling. I've noticed that it seems Lombard in eastern DuPage County is trying to develop every little plot of land for some business with Office Depot closing and the demolition and emptiness of High Point area of Roosevelt Road. When will they build affordable housing and quit building up all these empty lots for gas stations or retail mall outlets where the businesses always fail and the stores remain empty? Thank you.


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Hi, Villa Park calling. Any other town would be planning a downtown area where the train comes in, that's a destination. The only town along the west branch of the Metra, Villa Park doesn't have a destination. We look like a ghetto, but instead, yep, we want to put in a rec center and charge the residents more taxes for something they'll never use. It's not what we need and it's not what the residents want. Thank you.


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I think I just read the ultimate trashing of President Trump. Supposedly Mr. Roger Stone bashed Barbara Bush after she died and made some really rude comments about her but he's being billed as a pal of President Trump. Since when are we responsible for what our pals or our friends do? It's just another way to bash President Trump for something he has no control over. We just can't be held responsible for what our friends say. What Mr. Stone said was not nice and he's obviously a very rude individual, but what has that got to do with President Trump? It's unfortunate this journalist had nothing else of importance to say.


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To the person who called in about the LGBT community being taught in schools in California about being in the LGBT community, you know it's a sad fact in this world that everybody's not accepted. If you are different you are not accepted for what you are. It goes on every day. If the children don't learn about the LGBT community, how are they going to learn to look upon it as a way of life that the people in the community live in? That's not by choice, that's by birth. You say you're for all LGBT, well if you were then you wouldn't be saying it shouldn't be taught in the schools.


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Lombard calling: I guess it’s gotten to the point in this country where nothing is sacred anymore. Barbara Bush dies, and some big-mouth professor at some California university who’s obviously a leftist, has the gall to tweet on Twitter that she is, and I quote, “Happy that the witch is dead.” I won’t dignify what other disgusting and appalling things this so-called professor tweeted about Barbara Bush. Look it up online, if you want. Let poor Barbara Bush rest in peace and let the Bush family grieve. Don’t you have any common decency? Everything has to be political, even someone’s death? I hope this lowlife gets fired, but I’m sure there won’t be any disciplinary action taken because she was bragging about being a tenured professor. It’s ridiculous!
