Speak Out

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February 1, 2018

Speak Out Archives


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Villa Park calling. I happened to watch the village board meeting from Monday night (Jan. 22) on YouTube. I understand those residents who want to keep Lufkin Pool open, but I saw one guy during the public comments bring his two children up when he spoke. You can make your case about keeping the pool open without using your kids as props. He ought to be ashamed of himself!


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This is Lombard. I love this town. Lombard intends to spend $3.8 million to change water meters that might help them recoup $440,000 of lost water money. Whose idea was this? Even I can do the math that this is not very bright. Thank you.


Village of Lombard officials explained: "Proper accounting and reporting of water consumption is a mandated requirement from the IL Department of Natural Resources in which the village is required to have less than a 12 percent loss in 2018 and 10 percent in 2019. For 2017, the village reported a 10 percent loss in part due to the outdated and under reporting meters. Therefore, the village’s water meters must be replaced. Since the old water meters are underreporting at an average rate of 6.5 percent or $440,000 per year, the cost of the meters would be repaid after nine years. The new water meters will have a useful life of more than 25 years. The village utilized a low interest loan from the IEPA Illinois Public Water Supply Loan Program (PWSLP) for a low rate of 1.76 percent. The new meters will also provide a benefit to residents through an online usage portal which will help identify leaks and will offer the option of a leak alert. Please visit www.villageoflombard.org/watermeters for a useful FAQ and video. Feel free to contact us at 630-620-5700 if you have any questions."—JAC


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Yes, I agree that the Eastgate Shopping Center parking lot needs work, but if you broke a tie rod in the parking lot, it probably means you're going too fast.


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I wanted to respond to the self-righteous snowflake that called SPEAK OUT last week, saying that we have to stop our children from watching any news program due to the language used by Donald Trump. Oh, get off your high horse! I don’t excuse Trump’s language at all, but given what kids hear or see on a daily basis in social media, and the filth coming out the mouths of most rap artists, and more and more mainstream TV shows, his language pales in comparison.


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Lombard calling. In response to that recent restaurant review call, I love the idea. I mean, how many Big Macs can one person eat? If it were up to me, every day would be Small Business Saturday. Thank you.


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Lombard calling. So sorry to hear that the circus closed. Oh, wait, it's still open in Washington, D.C. They have a wonderful clown act there. God bless America. Goodbye.


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Can anybody let us know why Casey's shut down on North Avenue? We used to frequent there a lot for dinner and all of a sudden one day it was shut down. Thank you, bye.


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Sens. Durbin and Duckworth support illegals more than American citizens or our military and their families. I will remember this at election time.


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Great picture of the new athletic facility for Lombard, but where's the swimming pool? All this stuff but no swimming pool? Who decided we don't need a swimming pool?


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Lombard calling. In response to the 2018 women's march, the march to the polls, after seeing all the coverage for the Chicago march I have three suggestions for the participants. One, march to the polls and cast a vote to save Illinois by voting against Madigan and his crooked cronies. Two, march on down to immigration and begin the process to change your status from illegal alien to American citizen or march out of here. And three, march over to the stove and  make a home-cooked meal for your family instead of forcing fast food down their throats and then blaming fast food for making them fat and unhealthy. Consider carefully.


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Lombard. Why don't the people delivering the Lombardian put it in a sleeve? They throw it on the curb where the snow melts. What good is a wet paper? It goes right into the trash.


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Hi, Lombard calling. I'd like to ask my fellow Lombardians to consider others after a snowfall. For those of us who do not drive, we depend on using the sidewalks. They can be uneven and treacherous after the unshoveled snow freezes underneath, so I'm asking that you take a few extra minutes and clean the sidewalks for us. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


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To the person who thinks because the kids had an extra day off because of an institute day and then they had Martin Luther King Jr. day off, they have more full weeks of school than they have off. Are you going to complain as much in February when they have Presidents Day off? You know, the children go to school, they learn, the few days they have off doesn't constitute their learning, how they learn or what kind of a student they are because most all children learn every day they're in school and most all children are good students. To say the school system gives them too many holidays is kind of sad, especially the sarcasm, "our little precious youths." You must not like kids.


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I am just calling in regard to reading SPEAK OUT and reading about abortion rights. I have nothing to say because it is the law of the land that a woman can or cannot have an abortion but I have to say that if Catholics do not believe in abortion, what right is it of that person to make people who do not believe pay their tax dollars so someone can have a baby aborted. If you want to have an abortion, have it, but don't expect the government to provide it for you. Thank you very much.


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I'm calling from Villa Park. I'm upset about the decision by the Villa Park Board to close Lufkin Pool. I have no concerns about going to Jefferson but the two pools serve a completely different purpose. I have three kids, ages 4, 8 and 16. I will not go to Jefferson Pool because of the way it's laid out. I can have my 8- and 16-year-old in one pool and my 4-year-old in another pool. I cannot see them all at one time. That is the only reason I would not go to Jefferson. Lufkin needs to stay open because it's a pool where I can see all of my kids at the same time. Lufkin needs to stay open. Thank you.


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This is Lombard calling. I'd like to thank the homeowners of Circle Avenue in Lombard for their decorations and lighting displays for this past Christmas. We looked like a picture out of a Hallmark card. Thank you.


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This is for the caller who said that pro-life people don't care about a baby once it's born. On the contrary, we care very much for babies, from conception on. Abortion is much more than a political or religious issue. At its core, it's about the power of women. A pregnant woman has the power to let the life inside her continue to grow, be born and have a fair chance at life, just as she did. It takes courage and selflessness to sacrifice some of yourself so another may live. I believe truly empowered women would be responsible enough to make that choice, acknowledging that all life is equal. Choosing abortion is a hard decision, even for the small percentage who have been raped or abused. Women need to check out all other options before making a decision that is literally life or death. Thank you.


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I'd like to give a big shout out to Kyle at A to Z Body and Fender on St. Charles Road. This is the lady who lost her bumper and you put it on. Kyle, thank you. You are absolutely awesome. Your shop is phenomenal. Thank you so much.


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Good morning, Lombard. Fine weather we've been having. Hey, heads up all the liberals out there. Bernie bros and anti-Trumpists, anti-Republican conservatives, I should say, there is a difference sometimes between Republican and conservative. In my American Legion magazine, great article on some of the terrorists on the welfare dole in Europe. This is per the London Telegraph. Basically the terrorists are going to Europe, they're getting welfare. They're setting up camp. They're having families, they're taking over towns; obviously do your research, take a look.


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This is to the Villa Park trustees, manager and president of Villa Park about Lufkin Pool. Lufkin Pool is a Villa Park business, because they charge money for the residents to use it and they also pay people money to work at the pool, like the lifeguards. Like any other business, there should be money put away for a rainy day. And now Villa Park is saying shut the pool down because they don't have the money. What happened to the money? Or was it used for something else? I'd like the trustees, president and manager to answer that question for a lot of people in Villa Park because Lufkin Pool is a business. Look it up.


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My son recently had to take their dog to a local vet because she was in pain when he touched her stomach area. The possibility of surgery was discussed and a formal plan of expenses was presented; but then they found out this vet would not discuss a payment plan. Everything needed to be paid in full at the time. I know several other people have said this about their veterinarians. Is this a common practice and if so, why? I'm a senior citizen and I guess if my cat, who is my constant companion, needed extensive medical help, I'd just have to let her go. Thank you.


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Villa Park. I watched the Jan. 22 village board meeting and saw that it will only cost one week's worth of the village's cash reserves to fix Lufkin Pool. Seems like a pretty small amount of money if it allows us to keep both pools open while they plan for this new facility they're talking about. Thank you.


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I saw on the “Happenings in Lombard” Facebook page that someone found a dog in Oak Park, with a chip indicating it is from Lombard. It is at an animal care place now, apparently. The phone number for the chip is no longer in service or something to that effect. It looks like a malamute or husky. If this person doesn't want it anymore, do the right thing and let them know so it can go to a good home. This dog obviously belonged to somebody and in the photo looked frightened.
