Speak Out

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July 5, 2018

Speak Out Archives


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I had read on the Willowbrook Wildlife Center Facebook page about an injured coyote that was brought in by the Bloomingdale Police Department. Unfortunately, the injuries—including at least an old broken bone that healed badly—were too far along and the animal was euthanized. At least one person commented about seeing the injured coyote in his or her town, and how that police department refused to do anything to help. The individual wondered if earlier intervention could have saved this creature. That got me to wondering, what does Lombard do in such a case? Obviously Bloomingdale police were able to capture it for transport to Willowbrook. I don't mean the fox, coyote or other wild animal we now share space with, but a case like this one, where emergency intervention is needed.


Village of Lombard officials responded: "The Village of Lombard does not have an animal control department. Lombard police officers are not licensed, trained or legally allowed to intervene with a wild animal population, per restrictions set in place by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. In the rare and extreme cases where a wild animal poses a direct threat to residents in that the animal is sick or unwell, the specific situation will be assessed.


"Residents may also choose to hire a private company that maintains a Commercial Wildlife Removal Permit issued by the state, to remove nuisance animals from their private property. If you find a wild animal that looks injured or orphaned, leave it alone and call the Forest Preserve District's Willowbrook Wildlife Center at 630-942-6200.


"Coexisting with indigenous wildlife (coyotes, raccoons, skunks, foxes, etc.) presents challenges; however, since these animals are native to the area, trapping is illegal without a license. You can deter wildlife three different ways: sight, sound and smell. For more information on how to co-exist with Illinois’ wild animal population, and for additional resources, visit www.villageoflombard.org/wildanimals."—JAC


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According to the U.S. Treasury Department, the federal budget deficit increased by 23 percent in the last eight months. The inflation rate for the last 12 months went up to 2.9 percent which outpaced salary increases for the same period. And when Trump announced that he was considering another round of tariffs, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped close to 300 points. Perhaps when the economy crashes we can all get jobs as coal miners. The president says that he is going to bring back that industry.


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At 10 a.m. on Sunday, June 25, at the intersection of Madison and Grace Street, a man riding a bicycle flew through the intersection going southbound. He didn't stop at the stop sign, didn't slow down and nearly didn't live to see another day. The van that was eastbound had the right of way, and his quick stopping saved you from becoming a hood ornament. Shame on the cyclists who think that they're exempt from the rules of the road.


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Hi. I just received a mailer from a congressional candidate and I noticed that it said this mailer was sent at taxpayer expense. I will not vote for this guy and anyone else who sends me expensive mailings that are paid for by taxpayers will not get my vote either. I hope all of you do the same. Thank you.


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Why would they put in a brand new parking lot at the new recreation center and then today, Tuesday, they are tearing it up?


Your inquiry was forwarded to the Lombard Park District for a response, which is as follows: “As stewards of the taxpayers' assets, the [Lombard] Park District holds every contractor up to their contract, our standards, village code and proper engineering. 


"Unfortunately, two small areas of the new parking lot (which combined were less than 1 percent of the total parking lot for the new Madison Meadow Athletic Center) did not conform to either the Village of Lombard or the Park District standards. The contractor was forced to cut and repave the affected area at their sole expense.  After re-inspection, those areas have now been deemed appropriate and acceptable. Should you have any further questions regarding this issue or any others regarding the Lombard Park District please feel to call me at 630-953-6016, Paul Friedrichs, Executive Director.”—JAC


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To the person who is thankful to the Lord we have Trump, yes, the Lord is watching and he is seeing what Donald Trump has done to the whole world: the hate, the racism, the ripping of children from their parents' arms. He's watching and we cannot, until we change the system, change any of the horrible things this man has instituted. The Lord is who Donald Trump will have to answer to one day.


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I say this every year when the weather gets warm, but people, please don't let your dog stick its head out the window while you are driving. I was reminded of it this morning, and it was the head and then some of a big dog in the back seat. It is dangerous; debris, etc. can injure the animal. And, think it's cute to have the dog driving in your lap with its head out the window? This is a form of distracted driving, and therefore could cause a crash, injuring the driver, dog and innocent others. Have your dog sit in front of the vent if you want it to get a breeze. I wish it would be made illegal in Illinois. Please use common sense.


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Recognizing how much of the operating budget of a newspaper goes to the purchase of the paper the news is printed on, is Trump's tariff on Canadian groundwood paper going to result in any cutbacks tat the Lombardian? We would hate to see that. Keep up the great work.


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I'm reading the June 28 paper. I respect everyone's right to speak out. This section of the paper should enrich our community in which we are paying hefty real estate taxes. I read one piece about the library and one piece about the food panty, which were interesting. National politics and immigration are not going to be changed by the Lombardian. Those folks should be contacting their congressman. In keeping with the city, we need downtown improvement. A heated parking garage, no litter signs and vacant real estate to flourish. Mr. Z's needs to be demolished and put in a park or some useful community structure. The trustees need to push for that parcel to be improved for all of Main Street. It's time for Lombard to step up its game.


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Maybe if Mr. Breen cared to do something about gun laws, making illegal guns harder to enter the state of Illinois, making it harder for people to get guns who have mental problems or making it so one would apply for a gun like you would a driver's license. But they can't do that because they need to talk about not paying for women's abortions. You know what? Get over it. It's not your business what a woman does with her body. But you'd rather see women like they did before they could have abortions would go to places and have an abortion and they would die because they'd get infections. You don't even care what's happening to these children at the border because it's not your problem.


Your comments were forwarded to Rep. Breen. He responded: "I’m primarily focused on getting our finances in order, and stopping the corrupt deals in state government. But my opponents want to debate other issues, so here goes. On guns, I helped draft the bipartisan compromise bill to create a 'Firearms Restraining Order,' to keep firearms out of the hands of potential school shooters and those who would do grave harm to others. On the border, that’s federal not state, and the U.S. Congress should fix the situation immediately. On abortion, two critical questions face the General Assembly: (1) Should Illinois taxpayers cover 30,000 elective abortions annually, with a Medicaid system already busting our budget? (2) Should Illinois parents know before their minor daughters are taken for abortions?


"I’ve rejected House Speaker Mike Madigan’s scheme of taxpayer-funded abortions and his plans to gut our Parental Notice of Abortion law. My Democrat opponent openly advocates Madigan's position, embracing the extreme rhetoric of the abortion industry. That industry is also the top funder supporting my opponent’s campaign (over $25k so far), and she has in turn promoted their radical "no exceptions" position of unlimited, taxpayer-funded abortions, through all nine months of pregnancy.


"My opponent works for Madigan. I work for you."—JAC


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I am wondering if the leftist fanatics who are pushing Peter Roskam to hold public meetings ever watch the news. Are they aware a Democratic activist was arrested for threatening the children of a congressman from Florida? Are they aware that Democratic congresswoman Maxine Waters has encouraged people to confront and harass others at restaurants, department stores and gasoline stations? Are they aware that a restaurant refused to serve President Trump's press secretary? I could go on. Let's face it, a lot of Democratic community organizers aren't interested in having a debate or expressing their views. They just want to disrupt, intimidate and harass.


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One dictionary defines socialism as "(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism." Is this where the far left wants to take us? As a friend put it, the problem with socialism is that eventually a socialist system will run out of other people's money.


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Regarding the requirement to remove the handicapped placard from the rearview mirror while operating a vehicle: In Illinois, any object hung from the mirror that can be considered a material obstruction is in violation of the vehicle code. A police officer can, by law, make a traffic stop if he or she has a reasonable suspicion that an object suspended from the rearview mirror obstructs the driver’s view. Handicapped placards are clearly marked that they must be removed before operating the vehicle.  A placard or any other large object hung from the mirror could obstruct the driver's view of a pedestrian, cyclist or another vehicle. For everyone's safety, these items need to be removed from the mirror. I, for one, would not want to be the pedestrian or cyclist "hidden" behind the placard.


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Another issue of the Lombardian—more “speak out” against the president. Why, when you have no ideas or proposals it’s always name-calling? Haven’t we done the Hitler Nazi thing enough? The Dems have been doing this since Truman ran against Dewey (1948 for the history-challenged). I’m surprised they missed Eisenhower; oh yeah, he won the war. So Trump tries to actually enforce laws signed by Bill Clinton in 1996 and the world is about to end. You may want to stand back from the whole kerfuffle and do what any concerned citizen should do—follow the money. The government doesn’t actually do the care, feeding, housing of all these good border crossers. It’s contracted out to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Here’s just one of several Southern Key Programs. Their CEO is paid $1.5 million. (azcentral.com). There are others.


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The heartless comment about bellyaching about kids separated from parents; President Obama kept the families together while being processed. You do your homework, Herod!


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While it is nice to see that the unemployment rate in Illinois is currently below the national rate, farm income here is echoing what is happening across the nation.  Since the election, farm income has dropped by almost 40 percent; and this is while crops are rotting in the fields of Florida and California because they don't have enough migrant workers to harvest them. And, the national debt, which was huge under Obama, and which Trump told us that he would reduce to zero, is growing at record-breaking speeds and is estimated to at 78 percent of the GDP by the year's end. Happy Birthday America.


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Good morning, Lombard. I'm calling in response to the 80-year-old who stated that the children being detained is the same as Hitler's concentration camps. It is not. My mother- and father-in-law lived in Poland during World War II and were taken as slave labor for Hitler. They lived in a work camp. Let's ask them if it compares to these kids being detained. God bless America. Thank you.


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I just finished reading SPEAK OUT in the Lombardian and one person said he or she is in his or her 80s. I, too, am in my 80s and I warned my children and grandchildren about President Trump. My heart is breaking over the children separated from their parents, like in the concentration camps in World War II. If we don't learn from history we are bound to repeat it, is a true saying. If no one stands up to Trump like no one stood up to Hitler, things can only get worse. Thank you.


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Everyone who is on the side of the illegals has probably vacationed in Mexico. Were you in danger? What are they running from? I haven't heard of a war in Mexico; then they go back and forth to their country. How bad can it be? They're running for a better life; subsidized housing, food stamps, free medical, free schools, Social Security, etc. And guess who's paying for it? The taxpayers.


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Lombard calling. Our public school system takes about 75-85 percent of our taxes and apparently is not doing a good job for America, when you consider that United States citizens are voting for socialists. These fools obviously have no idea what socialism really is and the schools are not teaching them. What a shame. Very sad.


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I wanted to give out a shout out to ComEd. Our power went out due to the weather, yet they came immediately and got the power back on within two hours. We must remember when things like this happen, we have to appreciate what these workers do for us and not just get upset, because they have no control. Thank you.
