Speak Out

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June 14, 2018

Speak Out Archives


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Hi. This is Lombard calling. We have such a beautiful park at Madison Meadow. Why is the grass not getting cut? They cut the baseball fields, beautiful. What about everybody else who wants to enjoy the park? Some of the places are 10 inches high in grass. Thank you.


Your question was forwarded to Executive Director Paul Friedrichs, who responded: “Frankly, the length of the grass was not up to the standards I expect for our residents.  However, the [Lombard] Park District’s maintenance staff needs to prioritize many things every spring including the opening of facilities such as the Paradise Bay Water Park on Memorial Day weekend, Western Acres Golf Course, two splash pads, many drinking fountains throughout the community, bathroom buildings and sports fields. I believe even the disc golf users of our parks would tell you the grass was never tall enough to limit their enjoyment.


"Regardless, our grass crews have been working seven days a week keeping up as best they can for the past three weeks. Now that the college students are home, we have more staff to ensure that grass cutting meets all of our expectations. I am truly sorry it caused you enough of an issue for you to feel the need to call Speak Out.  Please feel free to call me with any questions about this issue or any others; my direct line at the Park District is 630-953-6016. Paul Friedrichs, Executive Director.”—JAC


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About the Trump Lies Matter sign, first thank you for not kicking it over. You are correct in noting that a president's lies to us matter, whether it be Trump or Obama. Instead of focusing on what might have happened then, contact Trump and let him know that his documented lies matter to us now.


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Gas prices are on the rise. Underemployment for the under-30 is in the double digits. Sub-prime defaults are soaring. Both public and private debt are at record levels. The U.S. economy, for the first three months of the year, grew at a much lower rate than expected, and at a substantially lower rate than predicted by Trump in spite of the $1.5 trillion in tax cuts and a massive reduction in government regulations. It is starting. Just remember who is responsible.


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You can believe the snake oil that the president is trying to peddle on his Twitter feed or you can look at the numbers.  The stock market has been in a steady decline for the last half-year. The Dow has dropped 2,000 points since Jan. 23. If your retirement plan is tied into the stock market, it is taking a hit; look at your quarterly statements.  All indicators are pointing toward a severe recession just around the corner, and they are trying to pillage the Social Security fund.


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To those of you who have complained about my driving habits, sorry. You're irritated because I don't pull up close to the car ahead of me at red lights. It's not that I'm not paying attention. It's because if I pull close I can smell the exhaust fumes from the car in front of me and I get a headache. I understand that I might be delaying your journey by a few seconds. I'll concentrate on quicker starts when the light turns green so you'll make it through the intersection with me.


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Hi, this is Villa Park calling in regard to a coffee shop that has chairs and tables with ashtrays and people smoke out there; they smoke anywhere from a foot away from the door to all the way down where a laundromat is. I have called the police several times. Nothing seems to be done but we do have an ordinance in Illinois. 15 feet from the door and yet this coffee shop is allowing people to smoke out there for their profit.


Your concern was forwarded to Villa Park officials, who responded: "The Village of Villa Park encourages patrons or employees of establishments that fail to comply with any provisions of the Smoke-Free Illinois Act to file a complaint with an enforcement agency. If the violating business is located within Villa Park, please contact the Illinois Department of Public Health at 217-782-4977 or Villa Park Police at 630-834-7447. In order to investigate, officers will need to know the location of the business, the date of the violation and whether the violation is ongoing. The village reminds local businesses that it is their responsibility to comply with all federal, state and local statutes. Visit www.smoke-free.illinois.gov/sf_info_wp.htm for more information. Here is a link below for the Smoke Free Illinois law— http://www.smoke-free.illinois.gov/sf_info_wp.htm. Please see “Failure to Comply” for penalties."—JAC


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I was totally taken aback by the contributor to SPEAK OUT who counted President Trump's lies. Wow. It is terrible that hatred runs so deep against the president and his family. Through God's good graces and citizens with intestinal fortitude, we have a talented and strong American man in the White House. Salaries are up, African American unemployment is the lowest in years. Hispanic unemployment is at an all-time low. ISIS is on the run. We are meeting with North Korea. The unfair trade deficit is being made fair. There is more to come. Thank you Mr. President for all your hard work. Thank you.


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When he was in office, Barack Obama said, "I do think at a certain point you've made enough money." Now that he's left office, he and his wife have reportedly signed a $65 million book deal. The Obamas also signed a deal to produce programs for Netflix. Who knows what other deals they have, but I'm sure they pay quite handsomely. The Obamas also bought an $8.1 million home in Washington, D.C. Will Barack Obama announce when he has made enough money?


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After 20 plus years of Lombard Pride beating hot and heavy in our hearts, reading the Lombard Pride and all the updates, which are so wonderful, that is for everything down south around Butterfield Road. Have you taken a look around downtown Lombard? Again and again as summer approaches. The golf shop's out, so many things are in duress. Here's the answer. Redo St. Charles Road and Main Street and move everything—the library, everything—down south. The powers that be, you'll be happy. Bye.


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Hey, Village of Lombard. Can I suggest you put up red ribbons around every tree in the parkway to honor the burn victims? Every tree in every parkway. Thank you.


Your inquiry was forwarded to the Village of Lombard. Following is the response: "The village commends all examples of support to community members in need, as these types of acts best exemplify what it means to be a Lombardian. However, due to the village’s active count of more than 18,000 parkway trees, granting this request would simply not be possible. The village does not have a policy or ordinance that prohibits the placement of ribbons on parkway trees by residents interested in supporting a personal cause or a community member in need. However, village policy does prohibit private placement of displays on utility or light poles without formal authorization. Therefore, individual residents may, and have, placed ribbons on parkway trees in support of this cause. The village does respectfully request that any ribbons be confined to parkway trees, and not placed on light poles, traffic signals, or utility poles. We would also request that anyone who attaches a ribbon kindly track the trees upon which ribbons are placed and make arrangements to remove them at the appropriate time."—JAC


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Good morning and attention 65-year-old and plus seniors. Our real estate tax package this year contained literature regarding the homestead freeze exemption that raised the 2017 household requirement to $65,000 or less from $55,000. I thought possibly this was a misprint because it was $55,000 for years and there was no highlight mentioned or foot note of this change. I visited the tax assessor's office, who confirmed the change. Some of us who have been so close in the past may now qualify, so check your tax bill package for the application and submit it. Your fellow Lombardian senior.


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On June 5 our president was dishonored by a group of self-centered, spoiled millionaires call the Philadelphia Eagles. I don't have to buy tickets to an NFL game or watch it on TV. There are plenty of other good sporting events of which I will avail myself.


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I just read the front page of the Villa Park Review about the Memorial Day ceremony. I wasn't there but I know the choir from Willowbrook singing "America the Beautiful" and the "Star Spangled Banner" was beautiful. The speakers who honored our veterans were great, I'm sure. I can hear Emily and Colin playing taps at different locations in the park. What a beautiful and moving ending to a memorial service. God bless them all for honoring our veterans so beautifully. Thank you.


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Hi. There's been a lot of talk in the Lombardian about the Elan project at Yorktown and my comment is that area was probably going to be developed at some point but why does it have to be so massive? It is almost a property line to property line, curb to curb project. There's no green space except for a couple of openings; it's almost all buildings and a huge garage. I don't know why they couldn't have maybe built a couple of buildings and have some green space. When the Target was built next to that they put up a berm with some trees and they put up natural space behind the building and on the side of the building, kind of a natural wetland. This project has none of that. I don't know why this trend is so popular.


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Someone earlier commented on this but I will, too: My property tax portion going to the library was more than what I paid to the Village of Lombard, which provides fire, police, public works and other services. What's wrong with this picture?


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Good morning, Lombard. In response to last week's SPEAK OUT where it was said that more children have died this year from school shootings than those in the military, here's another alarming fact: More children have died this year from abortion than the school shootings and military casualties put together, so please remember this when you go to vote in the next election and all you dads out there, have a great Father's Day. Thank you.


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Here's a tip on how not to tip your server. We ate at a restaurant in Elmhurst and I'm calling about the family seated next to us. We had the same server, who was very pleasant, energetic and helpful. She made sure customers had what they needed and were happy. She catered a lot to a mom, dad and two kids and twice I heard them praise and commend her, yet in the end after having at least a $50 bill, I saw only $2 was left on the table. The family hurriedly left and when the server got that inconsiderate two bucks, that smile of hers just diminished. Why only $2, when that tip should have been at least $8? Servers get paid by their tips and a lot are very hard-working as in this scenario. She should have even gotten more than $8. And remember, when using a coupon, you pay a tip based on the original bill amount, not after you discount. Look it up. Looks like good old McDonald's better suited that family. Thank you.


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Hello. To the caller who wants law enforcement to crack down on those who are violating state law by driving with a handicapped placard hanging from the rear view mirror, for goodness sake, can't you think of a more worthwhile cause to get behind than taking issue with people with disabilities, who may have forgotten to remove the placard? I hope you're not serious with such an idiotic concern. If you are, how very sad for you. Thank you, bye bye.


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This is a resident of Lombard. Someone addressed Lombard saying they're very sensitive and loving, you can say all you want about Kathy Griffin, you can say what you want about Samantha Bee, but for the eight years when President Obama was president, he was hung in effigy, they portrayed his wife as transgender, they drew pictures of him as a monkey. There were many slurs about President Obama that were racist because unfortunately, even back then, people were ignorant. Now, when they do something against President Trump, it's horrific. How dare they, but nobody protested when they did these things about President Obama and his wife.


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Hey, guys and gals. Stop being so uptight; you're going to give yourselves heart attacks. I get it. Angry over politics. We're never happy yet life goes on. Our leaders current and past are all in it for themselves, not for us. They do good, they do bad, all of them. We need to realize we're all here together; stop fighting each other, life will go on with or without us. Drivers, I've been angry over the same thing but they're practicing self defense, maybe. Leave yourself an out. There's no reason to tailgate. It's good to have some room to get out of a situation. While it feels like certain drivers and lights make it take an hour longer to get home, it's only really three to five minutes. If I follow you for a mile I'll find 10 things wrong with the way you drive. Let me guess: Every time you drive, there's either someone you're swearing at for going too slow or someone's up on you wanting to go way too fast. Train caller. We live in the train center of the world. Complain all you want and I'll support you but there's way more wrong with Villa Park than trains blocking you. Try sitting at Ardmore or Addison for an hour and watch all the trash and illegal activities by the tracks.
