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June 28, 2018

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Hey, America. Impeach Trump. Well, at least kick his immigrant wife and in-laws out of the country and maybe he'll go with them. Thank you. Make America excellent, not just great.


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Those children being separated from their parents at the border is wrong and a heartbreaking situation, but leave it to you leftists to go into hysterics and compare their situation to Nazi Germany and Japanese internment camps in World War II. What a ridiculous and absurd comparison. Trump can be rude and acts like a spoiled child when he doesn’t get his way, but you leftists are far worse than he is.


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In response to the person about counting President Trump's lies, I personally did not count them. They have been done by more reliable sources than myself. I'm sorry to say you are totally wrong about everything you said: through God's good graces and citizens? We have a talented, strong American man in the White House? I don't know what country you live in, but you don't live in the same country I live in. This man is a disgrace to everything the United States of America stands for. He's in cahoots with the Russians. He honors dictators. He honored the North Korean who is a merciless murderer of his own family and people in his nation. He has disrespected everything our land has stood for. He is tearing everything down and unfortunately, you and all other Trump supporters are as ignorant as he is because you will not look at what he is doing.


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The real shame of all of this involving Donald Trump is that Trump may pardon all those around him and then quit before he is impeached. Our country will survive Trump, but a lot of damage has been done to our country’s reputation as our allies are angry with us, and Russia and North Korea are happy with us. What's wrong with that picture?


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I am not totally unsympathetic to the plight of the illegal immigrants and their children being separated. I think they should be kept together—and deported together. The keyword here is illegal; last I checked, it is the parents who are putting their children at risk of separation. Period. I just don't get how the radical liberals only see the end result of the separation; oh, those poor children. Instead of protesting, why not spend your time and energy going to Mexico and convince people not to come here illegally in the first place, to prevent this from happening? Maybe the Mexican government should put up a sign on their side of the border that says, "Warning, if caught, you and your children will be split up." Sadly, I bet that still wouldn't be a deterrent. Or, tell our legislators they need to convince the Mexican government to provide people with an opportunity for better lives in their own country.


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Yeah, does Villa Park do anything about abandoned cars on the streets? There's been a car on the northwest side of town, that's all I'm going to say, silver with temporary plates on it that's been sitting on the street for over a month. Apparently Villa Park Police drive past at night and don't do anything.


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This is in regard to the football players. I'm not a football fan and never have been, but how you can say they disgrace the president of the United States? This man said they should all be deported. They were kneeling in protest against the police violence against black people, which you will dispute even exists because you are so blinded by our liar in chief. He has denigrated them; he has denigrated the game; he has turned an American pastime into a racial slur. No president in this land has ever done what he has done with regard to football.


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The incompetency that the Helen Plum Library Board and library administrators have demonstrated with regard to the referendum is nothing short of a disservice to the taxpayers of Lombard. They should have had their ducks in a row before this referendum was approved instead of all the back and forth going on now with parking agreements, air space, design plans, site engineering and God only knows what else. Voters need to clean house of all the current library board members in the next election, and those library administrators who were directly involved in the referendum should consider finding a new line of work. What an embarrassment!


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Two sheriff's deputies were shot and killed in Kansas. They were shot while transporting an inmate to a courthouse. I would say that story received less than 1/100th of the media coverage of the recent story about two non-paying customers who were denied use of the restroom at a Starbucks in Philadelphia. It’s interesting what the media decides to focus on these days.


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So, we now have hundreds of kids who were separated from their parent(s) by Trump's own policy; not a law. Since their parents are already deported, we may never find them and now we will pay to raise and educate these kids. Nice job, Mr. “President.” Didn't you see this coming? Try planning before you speak!


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Good afternoon, Lombard. In response to the person bellyaching about children being taken away from their parents after crossing the border, do your homework. Obama did the same exact thing, and where was the outrage then? There’s footage to prove it. Love and peace.


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Good rainy afternoon, Lombard. In response to the person who said that a child growing in its mother's womb was not a person, wow, you scare me. And as to the statistics on the number of children aborted, Google it. Thanks, bye bye.


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Hello again, Lombard. I just wanted to say thank you, thank you to all of our village employees. Every one of you I have encountered does a wonderful job and I appreciate that. We have wonderful services here; well-maintained streets, wonderful parks, superior schools and great business owners. To our police department, thank you for all you do. So much of the career, of the life you have chosen goes unappreciated by most, but not all. A heartfelt thank you to you and your families. Fire department; thankfully I haven't had the need for your services yet, but I have absolute confidence you are among the best in your field and truly appreciate your dedication and community involvement as well. Far too much complaining goes on in this town and I just want to let all of our great village contributors know, fellow citizens included, that your efforts do not go unnoticed. Thank you.


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I call on Washington's Congress in general and our representatives, in particular, Durbin, Duckworth, Roskam, to stop the gibberish and rhetoric and start working for us. I said Washington's Congress because it is not ours. They have not worked for us, the citizens, for years. Trump is pushing them to do their job. It's about time. Get going. Resolve immigration, the wall and DACA now.


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The Lombard/Villa Park Food Pantry is changing its hours starting July 2. Everyone needs to be inside the building by 11:45. The volunteers there are very nice, but would like to get on with the rest of their day, so everyone please be there by 11:45. The pantry at the First Methodist Church is open M/W/F from -11:45 a.m., and the third Saturday, same hours.


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Wow. Someone stated in this column that unborn babies aren't people and therefore abortion is not equal to mass school shootings. Did you sleep through biology class? A woman carries a human being inside of her. Like those school shooting victims, they are living, growing humans filled with potential. Killing them puts an end to all of that. To say that unborn babies aren't people until they're born is a poor rationale for abortion because you are denying them that personhood by deliberately killing them in the womb. Yes, killing the unborn is legal, but only if the mother chooses it. If death is caused by someone else, it's murder. Ironic, isn't it?


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Illegal immigration is not about a little girl crying because she was torn from the arms of her mother. This is a false narrative promoted by some in the media who hate Trump, hate America and want open borders. The real face of illegal immigration is horrifying. Drug cartels transport poison to infect our youth. Americans are murdered and raped by some illegals. Gangs from Central America infest our society to recruit our youth to the gang life. America pays thousands, if not millions, for medical, school and aid of various types for over 11 million illegals. Illegals are abusing our hospitality, kindness and compassion when they violate our laws. Some in Congress quietly condone illegal immigration. They, being Democrats and some Republicans, want open borders. It seems Congress represents illegal individuals more than American citizens. Congress should start doing its job.


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Hi, this is Lombard. I think it's great there's going to be a new drive through for the Lombard pharmacy but I think there's going to be many accidents that are going to be happening since the exit goes right out onto Main Street and people are trying to cross Main Street to go south. There's going to be a big issue and since there will be quite a few seniors going in and out of there I think we're going to have to do something about that.


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My heart is breaking. I'm in my 80s and I remember what Hitler did in the concentration camps and now what is being done with these children (on the border). It's the same thing. It's horrible to relive a painful history like this. Thank you.


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Well, I see we’ve had two school shootings; one in Dixon that turned out OK and one in Texas, not so OK. Still waiting to hear from our Lombard/Villa Park police chiefs about what they're going to be doing with the school districts to increase and enhance safety. Now we heard from the District 87 superintendent. We got some good information from him, but we need to know more. Police chiefs, what are you going to do? We know you have part-time resource officers in the schools. We need some uniformed, armed officers in these schools. What's the buzz?


Response from the Village of Lombard: “We understand that members of every community want the best for their students. The Lombard Police Department and Lombard school districts work closely together throughout the year, helping to educate students and staff in order to promote safety within schools. The Lombard Police Department has a full-time police officer posted inside Glenbard East at all times.


“Additionally, police officers take part in ongoing training, which includes active shooter simulations on a regular basis, and are required to train monthly in the Lombard Police Department’s shooting range. Lombard Police will continue to work with federal partners to study trends and pursue readiness training. The Lombard Police Department shares in District 87’s proactive approach and supports their focus on student wellness.


“If at any point in time, a resident would like to speak with the Lombard Police Department directly, in order to find out more information that resident may feel free to contact the police department directly at 630-873-4400.”


Response from the Village of Villa Park: “The Village of Villa Park takes school security very seriously—the safety of our young people is of utmost importance. The Villa Park Police Department has a full-time detective assigned as the School Resource Officer (SRO) to Willowbrook High School (WBHS). This detective is specifically trained for the SRO position and works on a daily basis with school staff, continually reviewing school safety measures.


"The Villa Park Police Department and WBHS/District 88 have had a long-standing partnership and communicate regularly on “best practice techniques and strategies” related to school safety and security. Patrol officers conduct routine walk-throughs at WBHS along with the other schools in Villa Park as part of their daily patrols. In addition to police access to school surveillance cameras, members of the police department actively participate in table top drills, active shooter drills, and work together and train with other agencies.


"We would also invite members of the public to review recent safety and security articles that were published by District 88 for specific examples of how the police departments and District 88 work together on school safety issues.”


"Links to recent articles are  at dupage88.net/site/page/8016; dupage88.net/site/page/8100; dupage88.net/site/page/8143."—JAC
