Speak Out

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June 7, 2018

Speak Out Archives


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Hello, Lombard. The red ribbons around town and the fundraisers have shown Lombard's and Villa Park's residents' concern and support for the Glenbard East students who were injured by the fire pit explosion. I do not want to appear insensitive or inappropriate but I would like to know the source of the incendiary that caused the explosion and if any investigation or charges have been made against the responsible party and if alcohol or drugs were involved. Thank you.


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Editor’s note: There has been no updated information given on the fire pit explosion involving Glenbard East students since the incident occurred on April 28.


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I wonder if the gurus at Money Magazine who deemed Villa Park as one of the best places to live in America ever sat in their vehicles on Villa Avenue while a stationary train blocked the road. On a Saturday afternoon. In 90-degree heat. For 15 minutes. Before deciding to turn around go to North Avenue, then over to Route 83, to get to the south side of the village. I'm guessing the Money Magazine team didn't go through this experience when it put together its list.


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To the caller concerned about the Florida school shooting and banning all assault weapons. Weapons are not the problem, don't blame the president. The family structure is gone; this student did not have the support of two parents. His parents were divorced and his mother recently died. The mental health programs and treatment facilities failed this student. The local police failed in not addressing the issue in numerous calls to the residence. The school security failed in the resource officer not responding properly. The FBI failed in not addressing calls alerting them to a possible threat. These five failures caused that tragedy. Don't be narrow minded, look at the big picture.


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Good afternoon, Lombard. In response to “sorry for the people who can't look at both sides of a problem," many, and I mean many, middle class families depend on their 401Ks for retirement. Thanks, President Trump, for making those more fruitful. Bonus, and a $30 a month raise mean a lot for many. Wow. Now we can all sleep tight until a Democrat gets in office. Thanks. Bye bye.


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If there had ever been a sign in the yard (about President Barack Obama) there would never have been a sign in the yard that said "lies matter" when President Obama was in office. He did lie, I'm sure, but his lies, if they numbered 20, would have been something. You have a president in office who, in his first year or so in office, has clocked at least 3,000 lies. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie, so lies matter. Unfortunately you call this in and you say if there had been a sign about Obama it would have been taken out—who's to say it would have? But I like the fact that the sign that says Trumps Lies Matter is still in the yard after all this time because you know what? Most people who are sane and normal and who actually listen to the real news, and not the fake news of the president, know that every word out of this man's mouth is a lie. So, sleep on that one for awhile.


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State law is that the handicapped placard must be taken off the rear view mirrors. Even when they come out of the DMV, they still have them on as they're going down the road. Why can't the police give them either a warning ticket or a ticket for a state violation? Thank you.


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The latest flap regarding Roseanne and the cancellation of her TV sitcom again shows that no matter how you try to change one's color, they always revert back to who and what they are. She deserves what she gets. I only feel sympathy for those who were also part of the show who may have depended on that show for their livelihood. I'm sure she may be able to find work again, although I really don't care if she does. If nothing else she could pose for the next edition of the Funk And Wagnalls dictionary under the definition of deplorable. Or, I wouldn't doubt if Trump appoints her to his White House staff or a cabinet position. She would fit right in. Don't let the door hit you in the rear as you leave, Roseanne.


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In response to the person talking about drivers leaving “a huge amount of space between their vehicle and the vehicle ahead of them when they come to a stoplight at a busy intersection,” I couldn’t agree more. This is a recent phenomenon and is very frustrating. These oblivious drivers appear to have no concern for the people behind them and it seems to be just one more indication of the self-centeredness so prevalent in today’s society. Wake up, folks. You are not the only one wanting to make that turn. We all want to get home.


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I was just reading about the "Distracted Driving" campaign. A hundred and forty-five tickets in 104 hours of overtime doesn't sound like a good bang for our buck. That's just over one ticket an hour. What is the overtime rate and cost to operate a squad for that time? More than $100 an hour is my guess. So we are paying $100 per ticket written? How many officers per hour working? If it is more than one, it is less than one ticket per hour per officer who is earning overtime pay. Is distracted driving just talking on a cell phone? What about eating, putting on makeup, reading the paper, shaving, painting your nails, having a dog on your lap? These are all distractions. And how many fatal accidents occurred because of people on their cell phone at Westmore and St. Charles? If there were 1,072 tickets written for distracted driving in 2017 that is one ticket per eight hours for the entire year. Doesn't sound like a big problem. Nice PR campaign though.


Editors' note: The Lombard Police Department offered the following response: "The citations written were for distracted driving. Those traffic stops further resulted in citations for other offenses such as No Valid Drivers License, DUI, cannabis and other criminal offenses."


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The answer to why drivers don't pull up when they come to a stoplight is obvious: Most of them are texting and the others are eating. When the light does turn green they're too distracted to notice. Thank you.


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Should I be calling 9-1-1 from my hands-free cell phone when I see illegal cell phone used by drivers? If so, can there be a $50 reward for each illegal driver I catch?


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Yes, is there a policy on overgrown bushes that go halfway over the sidewalk? Thank you.


Editors' note: A response to property-related questions was published in the May 24 edition. In part, it reads: "Please call the Code Enforcement Hotline (630-620-5757) or visit the www.villageoflombard.org/reportaconcern to report any Code Enforcement/Property Maintenance issues or questions you may have."


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Villa Park. It's raining. The streets are flooding, and according to the village, North Wisconsin doesn't flood. It's flooded here again. You've got to love Villa Park. Instead of fixing streets and sewers we had to get a library, so if your house is flooding and if you voted for the library, go call your local librarian to see what she can do about your flooding problem.


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Just reading SPEAK OUT. I totally agree with the person who commented about the Village of Villa Park not being able to keep Lufkin Pool operating for three months. How are we supposed to think they can do anything? The streets are in disrepair. We need a new facility, new tax. All they're good at saying is "new tax." They apparently do no maintenance, they seemingly just think of new ways for new taxes for the residents. This board and this president have to go. Bye.


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Please remember when you go to vote in this next election that more children have died this year from school shootings than men died serving in the military. Next could be your child or grandchild and remember that our representative, Peter Roskam, reportedly takes money from the NRA. He apparently doesn't care about our children, but we do. Thanks.


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This goes out to the Villa Park and Lombard Police. You guys need to start doing your job. I can’t even ride my bike in town anymore without people blowing off stop signs in front of me. Thank you.


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Beautiful, patriotic northwest Lombard here. Hey, liberals are very sensitive and loving, aren’t they, or are they? That one spectacle a while back  where Kathy Griffin had a fake beheaded Donald Trump head. Wow, and another wonderful, beautiful, caring, sensitive, loving liberal talk show host (Samantha Bee) calls Ivanka Trump a vulgar word, which is as vile and ridiculous and anti-woman as it gets. I thought you people were all about caring and sensitivity.
