Speak Out

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March 1, 2018

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This is in response to the person who wrote the letter to the editor, saying he’s not going to buy from advertisers in the Lombardian because the political cartoons and SPEAK OUT editorials insult his intelligence. Oh, please! This is a typical bullying tactic used by the left: If they don’t agree with something in the media, they throw a fit and try to silence them by boycotting their advertisers. Well, two can play at that game. I’m going to make note of who advertises in the Lombardian and patronize them. How about that? The writer whines about the Lombardian dumbing things down, but he insults my intelligence because he can’t seem to tell the difference between real opinions and satire or hyperbole used in political cartoons.


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Lombard calling. I'd like to thank the kids from Schafer School who sent the Valentines to the people who get Meals on Wheels. Thank you very much.


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Lombard calling. In 2016 immediately after the November election I was asked by several Democrats if I was embarrassed because I voted for Donald Trump. I suspect the question had to do with the reality that Trump won the election, along with their misguided impression that somehow my vote for him made me a foolhardy accessory to an outcome I really did not want. Now in 2018, based on the facts that are coming to light, I ask those same Democrats, and for that matter all those who voted for Clinton and for Obama before her, if they are embarrassed. Embarrassed for supporting alleged criminals who, along with their associates, will likely be prosecuted for federal crimes, and if not rightfully imprisoned will be publicly humiliated. So I ask, are you embarrassed? If not, you should be. As for me, I am very proud of our president and proud of my vote that helped elect him.


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I would like to thank the good neighbor in the 500 block of South Grace who went out of his or her way to clean out around the fire hydrant to make a path for firefighters if needed. I thought this was a very nice gesture and I hope that if residents read this that they will do the same to their fire hydrants to make it a lot easier for the firemen when they come by to get to the water they need so desperately in case of a fire. Thank you.


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I would like to thank the Glenbard East girls soccer team. They cleaned off every car in our parking lot in the condos on St. Charles Road on Sunday after the big snow storm and left a flower and a note to pay it forward, so that's great. Thank you very much.


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Seventeen more Americans have been gunned down. If you're just as outraged as I am, you might want to go to the NRA web page and let them know how you feel about their gun ideas. The website is home.nra.org, scroll to the bottom and click on "contact" and send them an email. I did that last night wanting to ask them how they feel about these killings and I haven't heard from a coward yet, so I urge you to go to the NRA website and ask them what they think about these shootings. Thank you.


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The other day I heard former Congressman Joe Walsh comment of the Florida shootings that this is not a gun problem, but a morals problem, a mental health problem, an empathy problem, a drug problem, etc. The vast majority of legal gun owners are law-abiding and responsible, while those who commit such heinous acts typically have a twisted or warped point of view or rationale for their behavior. It seems these shootings are premeditated, thought out. It's imperative to help these people before their desire for revenge gets out of control. But please don't put all the blame on the guns and the NRA. There's enough blame to go around, especially in our mental health system, or lack thereof.


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Villa Park calling. Save Lufkin Pool is just trying to save the pool by bridging the gap until a new facility can be designed. President Bulthuis stated it is at least 10 years in the future. Jefferson is not a viable substitution on its own because it is not conducive for watching children of various ages. Jefferson is also closed very frequently to the public due to its being the home of the swim team the Mariners.


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On Thursday, the 15th, it was foggy out, and people had their headlights on but on these newer cars if you don't turn the headlight switch on, the taillights do not go on and you can't see them from the back. Thank you.


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Lombard, I really don't think a mail person should deliver the mail if a walk to the front door is not shoveled. Why should they try to walk in deep snow? Thank you, bye.


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I see the Lombard Park District is allowing alcohol to be served at the Community Building. This appears to be a change in a longstanding policy of not allowing alcohol in the parks. Would someone from the park district please enlighten us? Thank you.


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I would like to give a heartfelt thanks to the neighbors on South Yale Avenue and Harvard Street in Villa Park during the recent snows. I had two recent knee replacements and two broken snow blowers. Having to get to my doctor's and rehabilitation appointments, as you can see, was difficult. The help I received from Lily, Luke, Matthew, Brendan and Frank Sr. was truly a blessing. God bless my neighbors and thank you, thank you, thank you.


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Hello, Villa Park and Lombard, Willowbrook and Glenbard East. I see that we have armed police officers at various events — basketball, football, other events at the schools. We do have one officer in the school but why not have several officers on a daily basis in and around the school? How about metal detectors? What are we doing, Lombard, Villa Park, Willowbrook, Glenbard East to keep our children safe at these schools? Thank you.


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The FBI was too busy with the Russia investigation to allot any time to investigate the calls about the unstable Florida shooter.  Thank you.


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Hi. I'm 24 and I live in Addison but I lived in Villa Park for 23 years. I just wanted to say that some of my happiest memories are at the pool. My friends and I would go there almost every day in the summer. I know that a lot of kids would be upset about the closing of such a great place. It's really accessible to the public and has a great location next to the pond near the school. I really like the shape and the slow decline of the depth of the pool, versus Jefferson, where you have to either choose between the baby pool or the deep pool. I don't necessarily think that some of the things that were on the list of repairs, like the parking lot and sidewalk repairs should be included in reasons to tear down the pool. Person A in last week's comments seemed a little bit harsh, I just think that we're good people trying to do a good thing for the community and if they don't use the pool now they probably won't use the new one. Person B from Lombard made some really good points. I appreciate their understanding but I'm going to fight for what I love.


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To the person who blamed Democrats, parents and lack of access to mental health care for the Florida shootings, I agree. It should be politicized. Thanks in advance for demanding the Republicans in charge of the federal government institute full funding for an improved Affordable Care Act that will allow access to Americans that need assault rifles to solve their problems. Maybe you can get the NRA to pay for it. It could also allow the wounded and affected to get the care they need, too.


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Hi, this is my first time calling in and it's kind of a silly call but I was just curious if anybody in our Lombard area knows what ever happened to Casey's Restaurant. No one seems to know. It's kind of a mystery because they were always busy, and delicious food, and everything. Thanks. Bye.


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The Florida shooting is terrible beyond words, but the aftermath and tiresome ideological debate about gun control will go on and on. I had the privilege of reading an open letter from a school teacher in Florida. What follows are some excerpts. She says, "Until we as a nation are willing to get serious and talk about mental illness issues, lack of discipline at home, horrendous lack of parental support at school with behavioral problems and lack of moral values, it will happen again. There is no sensitivity or compassion for other lives. It is commonplace for people to scream in others' faces and not value other persons but oneself. Twenty years ago I started teaching and violence was not this bad."


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I would love to see our local schools promote an anti-gun rally. Not only could we all show support for our kids, we would show that we do not believe that more guns in schools (teachers) are the answer. Less available guns and ammunition are the answer, especially to those who should not have them for various reasons — not just mental instability.


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Hello Speak Out. I am keeping at least one New Year's resolution and that is to not play the Monopoly game at Jewel. Sure, I’ll open the game pieces but if it’s not something free, they go right in the trash. Who needs 50 cents off a jar of Mt. Olive pickles anyway!


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It was in real time that I watched Watergate. Nixon was a crook. It was because the media did its job with its daily drip of truth that the president's own party told him that if he didn't resign that they would let the wheels of justice crush him. Nixon blamed the media and told a young Roger Ailes that if only there was a network that offered an alternative narrative while calling all other media fake and biased that he could have made America great because people want the comfort of believing what they want to believe.


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With regard to complaints regarding the Lombard Post Office, I set myself up on the USPS website and now get scanned copies of each letter, or piece of mail, of what is being delivered on a daily basis, to my personal email. I am also notified numerous times daily, of the tracking status and updates of any packages coming via USPS, also to my email. This has greatly improved the service provided by the Lombard Post Office!


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I really sympathize with those who want to save Lufkin Pool. It is just not good practical sense to spend more money on a pool this age. I was raised in Oak Park, a suburb larger that Villa Park; we had one public pool for the entire village. Anyone who wanted to swim got there — we lived a mile and a half away, but managed to get there and cross two busy streets also. P.S. Oak Park still has only one pool; in the same place it was 50 years ago.


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Lombard calling: So this guy who had the letter to the editor (Feb. 22 issue) thinks the political cartoons and SPEAK OUT calls insult his intelligence? What about all the calls I see every week bashing Trump? I suppose he thinks those are just brilliant.
