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March 29, 2018

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You know the fairy tale of the boy who cried wolf, well, this is in regard to the person who called in and said our nation was in a period of deep decline before Trump came on the scene. I totally have now come to the conclusion that every person who supports Trump lives by the thought that they can't cry wolf, and some day the wolf is going to come and you're going to be destroyed. Unfortunately, we will all be destroyed by these people. I find it totally inconceivable that people can't get their faces out of FOX News and actually see what this man has done. We've never in the history of our presidents had a White House in such turmoil and disarray because of this man.


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I read a Chicago Sun-Times story after Rauner won the election that referred to Jeanne Ives as being “far right.” It was written by two reporters, and it wasn’t a column or an editorial. Aren’t reporters supposed to objective? I have never, ever seen any liberal candidate in any newspaper story referred to as being “far left,” but I guess it’s OK to call a conservative “far right?” Yes, there is bias in the media, folks.


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Lombard here. First order of business, anybody notice how smokin' hot the economy is and the former president's trying to take credit? Well, American people have some money back in their pockets, and that's great because the upper income people who make the money do the hiring. It's one thing the left wing never understood; it's why they apparently hate the rich. Heck, I even saw a help wanted sign in the back of a pickup truck the other day, presumably the work would be done outside of the pickup truck. Just about every factory even in the city. Also, let me say this: What's happening with the schools and with society is a terrible tragedy, they took God out of the schools. That's another liberal idea.


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I saw a placard carried by one of the students and I think it gives us all food for thought. It said, "When adults act like kids, and kids act like adults, it's time to change." Thank you.


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Villa Park. The entrance and parking lot of the post office is a disgrace for government property to be in such bad shape. Are they waiting to be sued by someone who may have broken their leg by stepping in a hole or damaging their car? Thank you.


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To the person who called in saying the gun issue is a people issue, the gun issue is a gun issue. There are extraordinarily too many guns out there for people to buy. A gun doesn't work unless a person picks it up and shoots it. A gun is an inanimate object that has to work with the help of a human being. The simple thing is, all we need is to have the laws change so people cannot buy military-style rifles. There's no reason why a person needs a military-style rifle. Background checks need to be made. You can file for a gun but you should have to wait three or four days until a proper check has been done on you and if you have nothing to fear you should have no reason not to go along with background checks. There's no reason why people cannot accept background checks.


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To the caller who said the students who walked out in solidarity with the other students in the nation at 10 a.m. for a whole 17 minutes for each student who lost his or her life in Florida due to gun violence, that they should have walked out before or after school when they were already out, what kind of a statement would that have made? I'm proud of those students. If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything. I pray that the caller never loses a loved one due to gun violence. Thank you.


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Lombard calling. Just a question about the restaurant on Roosevelt Road. Every time I drive by the former Wendy's I see it empty and I see a Taco Bell with 10 cars in front of me. Something doesn't seem to add up. There seems to be more of a demand for drive-through fast food restaurants in this area than the other restaurants where no one even goes yet they stay open. Can someone please explain this? There should be two or three Taco Bells on Roosevelt, from the lines I see at the drive-through.


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Come on, Villa Park. Let's get the police out there to start doing what we pay them to do. It's pretty sad that you can drive around Villa Park; people blow the stop signs, not everyone makes full stops; now we have people making U-turns, complete circles, inside of a four-way intersection with stop signs. Come on, police officers, let's get out there and do something about this.


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This is for all the people who want Lufkin Pool stuck around and paid for. I have a better idea. Why don't you guys create a GoFundMe page for Lufkin Pool and everybody who wants it donate to the GoFundMe page and then get enough money and hand it to the village and tell them, here now you can pay for the Lufkin Pool. Thank you, bye.


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Hello, Lombard. I'm calling about the new intergovernmental agreement that District 44 went into with the park district with regard to the after-school program. Intergovernmental agreement? We're talking about children after school. We're not talking about a strategy-positioning type of program. We're talking about an after-school program for kids who've been in school from 8 to 3 o'clock, who need some R&R, some down time, some activities, get some steam off, get their homework done, have snacks. The Tri-Town YMCA has provided a safe haven, all-around compassionate, empathetic program for over 20 years.


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Peter Roskam, since you get money from the NRA, and money apparently means more to you than human lives, get your résumé ready. Thank you.


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I can't believe school kids are getting detentions for walking out of school in remembrance of the school shooting in Florida on Feb. 14. Instead of detentions, they should get an award. School shootings have been happening since 1999 and we have done nothing to help our kids to be safe. Our government has let them down. There's no reason our kids should be afraid to go to school. No one but the police and the military needs these weapons. It's time for action. Our kids need to be safe. Enough is enough.


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Hello. The teens marching for issues they can't vote on is a laugh. Leave the gun issues to the voting adults and concentrate on issues that directly affect them daily. Teens have grown up with cell phone usage yet 11 teens die every day as a result of texting while driving. And, these teens acknowledge that they are having lengthy conversations while they're driving. The leading cause of teen death in vehicle accidents is the distracted driving, besides the thousands of teens who are injured each year in these accidents. And, then we have the teenage drinking issues. These teens need to put their efforts into issues that affect their age group, but then again, they don't worry these deaths; they don't want to stop drinking, or do they want to have their cell phone usage restricted in any way. We certainly wouldn't want to take their phones away while they drive. Schools will eventually take care of all the security issues because the adults will be involved in that.


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Lombard calling. I saw a story last week on Real Clear Politics that was an interview with David Hogg, who survived the Parkland, Florida, shooting. He’s 17. Now, let me say first of all that my heart goes out to the young man for what he went through, but that’s where my sympathy for him ends. In this story, he went into a profanity-laced tirade filled with f-bombs against his detractors, the NRA, Florida Gov. Rick Scott and, I quote him, “old people.” He mocked old people for not knowing, and I quote, “how to use a bleeping democracy,” or how to send an iMessage. I’m one of those old people he’s referring to. I don’t own a gun and I’m not a member of the NRA. Maybe I’m not as tech savvy as David Hogg, but whenever anyone resorts to profanity to make a point, like he has, I tune them out. David Hogg is nothing more than a big-mouthed punk to me, despite what he went through. If he represents the future of this country, then we are in trouble.
