Speak Out

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May 10, 2018

Speak Out Archives


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Hey guys. I just wanted to find out why we haven't heard anything from the Lufkin Pool people. Then I opened my mailbox. Do you want to know why we haven't heard from people from Lufkin Pool right now wanting money? Presumably because they're getting their bills and they don't want you to see how much the taxes went up and house values went down. Can Villa Park go at least five years without raising taxes for anything? It would be a miracle but I doubt it will happen. Let's take a look at the library, pension fund, and other pension funds in DuPage County we're paying for that a lot of us don't use. So, Lufkin Pool needs to be torn down, not replaced. And to the people who want it for the kids, buy yourself a baby-sitter. Thank you.


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Hi this is Lombard calling. I noticed the other day that there were students across the country who staged walkouts in support of the Second Amendment. Funny. I didn’t see the media falling all over themselves to cover this walkout. Bye.


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Yeah, hi. I just wanted to call and say how much I enjoy SPEAK OUT. It's the main reason I read the paper and I wish there could be a whole paper dedicated to SPEAK OUT because there's nothing more entertaining than all the wing nuts who call. Thanks a lot.


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I enjoyed reading about the Montini students securing second place titles at the Argonne competition. What a fine article, what fine students and faculty adviser. Made my day. Wonderful.


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In regard to the May 3 publication of the Lombardian, I'm calling about that police officer who called in and said with regard to the campus police officer who shot the individual, some person who was walking in a very aggressive manner, does that mean if somebody's walking at you very aggressively you can pull out your gun and shoot them? Read the paper. Look at how many corrupt cops there are in Chicago, everywhere and how much it costs to pay for your abuse.


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Lombard calling: Even though I support most of Donald Trump’s economic policies and foreign policy agenda, I find it to be very frustrating when he goes on these Twitter rants or ends up putting his foot in his mouth about something. I would hate to be Sarah Huckabee Sanders or a member of his cabinet. I’m resigned to the fact that the Democrats will win back the House in November. Oh, well. At least that will make all the people at CNN and MSNBC and the snowflakes happy.


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Lombard calling. I just want to offer such a proud moment for this town, seeing it's even during Lilac Time where normally we paint the town purple. People have said yes, we are the Lilac Village but more important, we painted the town red to honor the students at Glenbard East who were hurt in the incident on April 28. We do know that we take care of our own. So, Lombard, if you can find it in your heart to put a red ribbon outside in front of your house or on the tree, but also to support these families and help them get to where they need to be. I'm proud to be a Lombardian today and I hope everyone else will do that as well.


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So if you want to find out why the Brick's Pizza coupons are only good at the Highland Avenue store and not the St. Charles Road store, wouldn't you think you would call the restaurant and not SPEAK OUT?


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Lombard calling. Is Lombard having a Man of the Year for Lilac Time? The Lombardian used to publish a form in the paper. I see a lot of print about the Woman of the Year but not the Man of the Year. I think the Jaycees used to sponsor the program but the Lombard Jaycees is no longer around. Maybe some other organization can keep the tradition alive. Thank you.


Editor’s note: To our knowledge, no information regarding the Man of the Year was sent to the Lombardian for publication. However, a group called JCI Lombard Area apparently had posted information on Lombard-related Facebook pages. The deadline to submit a nomination form was April 20, and reportedly nominations were to be judged by past Lombard Jaycees presidents and Man of the Year recipients.—JAC


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Just received my 2017 property tax bill for my house in Lombard.   The Village takes 7.4 percent, the Park District takes 4.6 percent and the Helen Plum Library takes 5.5 percent. This is outrageous. I certainly get more bang for my buck from the village and the park district. The library is apparently ripping us off. What are they doing with our increased tax money besides spinning their wheels and paying for lawyers and architects?  Time to recall the entire library board.


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I am so tired of watching Congressman Peter Roskam scurrying like a mouse between back doors and car doors trying to avoid answering the hard question about why he voted to gut Social Security in order to pay for huge and permanent tax cuts for the super wealthy. Sir, you championed both of these bills in Washington. Now stand up like a man and explain to your district why people who have been paying all their work lives into the system should die destitute so that billionaires can play!


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Please remember the Lombard/Villa Park Food Pantry is open on Saturday, May 19, and Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to noon. The service and food there is so much better than ever. Thanks to all the volunteers who keep food available for us.


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To the person who reported to be a police officer in last week's paper.  I truly hope you are not a Lombard or Villa Park police officer.  Police are trained to serve and protect — but protecting does not mean taking someone's life when unnecessary. The person in question with a pipe had just that — a pipe.  The person could be "tased" or shot in the lower torso as you are trained. There was no need to "shoot to kill." Please try to remember this when you are protecting us.


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This is in response to the report somebody put in the SPEAK OUT column about the red fox living south of Roosevelt Road, practically giving an address. Why don't you just mind your own business and let the fox live in peace? It's not hurting anyone; now you're going to have people running over there looking for it. Just mind your own business and let nature live.


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Well, it's Sunday morning and all I'm hearing on the news is about this Stormy Daniels character. There's got to be better stuff out there to cover, like peace treaties, economy and stuff like that, but no, some pornography film actress is making the headlines all because of something our current president did 12 years ago. I'm sick of it.


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I really enjoy the art and craft fair every year, although I don't know why I keep going—maybe to find something affordable, like in the old days when the fair was new and most of the items were handmade and reasonably priced. Some of these vendors seem to think their work is on the Monet level or their items are so unique as to justify the high prices most of them are asking. Granted, there are unique items to be found—don't get me wrong; I was a crafter at one time but never to sell because of the time it took and could not justify charging what would amount to $20 an hour or more for a piece that cost less than $10 to make. The talent and creativity that go into it are of course worth something, but not at some of those prices, like $11 for a teeny tiny tube of hand lotion? I discovered a new vendor this year, and was very impressed with the workmanship and his very affordable prices. I will come back next year just to see that guy! Maybe that's why year after year, I see fewer people walking around with purchases. Very clever items, just too expensive.


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Hello. I was just wondering why in your newspaper nothing has been reported about the intense police activity that's been going on at St. Charles Road between Westmore and Addison Road. I think the people should know what's going on. It seemed like a police state out there last week. Thank you.


Editor's note: Your comment was forwarded to the Lombard Police Department, who responded: "Last week was National Distracted Driving Week and the Lombard Police Department took part in the campaign.  In various areas of the community, we did extra enforcement and one of those intersections selected was St. Charles and Westmore. The campaign resulted in 145 citations just for cell phone use and texting while driving offenses."


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Regarding the comment about the mama fox and her kits from last week's column, if you find any wildlife that is injured, sick or orphaned, please give Willowbrook Wildlife Center a call at 630-942-6200 seven days a week, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. You can also call them for help for deterrents if there is a nuisance animal bothering your property. Thank you.


Visit http://www.dupageforest.org/willowbrook-wildlife-center for information on dealing with injured animals or other wildlife in the neighborhood. Another resource to consider is the University of Illinois Extension, which offers "Living With Wildlife in Illinois," since not all animals passing through are injured or a nuisance. Visit http://web.extension.illinois.edu/wildlife/faq.cfm#faq-112 for more information.—JAC


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A comment in last week's SPEAK OUT made reference to the election of Mr. Trump and that we should thank God for him, along with his love for this country. Let me remind this individual that this president is someone we should never believe if for no other reason than his apparent thousand-and-some lies since being elected, not to mention promises in his campaigning that he has not lived up to and has reversed course on—along with the many caustic, divisive comments aimed at individuals as well as well-meaning groups, many of which included hurtful remarks of one's physical, mental and ethnic makeup. This so-called businessman has been in a multitude of business failures and bankruptcies, many of which have cause others monetary loss. No, this individual has only one interest, and that is his or her monetary or psychological enrichment at others' expense.


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I'd like to thank the SPEAK OUT contributor who alerted Lombard residents to be on the lookout for a female red fox. I wanted to let residents know there's no need to be on the lookout for a male Redd Foxx. He passed away in 1991. Thank you.
