Speak Out

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May 3, 2018

Speak Out Archives


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I read in another paper that the Naperville City Council doesn't want an upscale auto repair shop in the midst of a theater and restaurants because it doesn't "fit." The auto repair owner said it does fit because people will frequent the nearby restaurants while getting their car worked on. I got the impression from Lombard that our board doesn't dictate what businesses can and cannot be in town, zoning notwithstanding. Am I missing something?


Your comment was forwarded to village officials, who gave the following explanation: “The Village of Lombard is not involved with the Naperville City Council, its role in business or its decisions. As such, we cannot speak to another municipal board’s decision-making process. We would suggest that the interested party contact Naperville directly. The role of municipalities is to review development proposals for compliance with zoning, development and business regulations, based upon a formal request by the private business.


"The caller is correct in that the Village of Lombard, or other municipalities, do not dictate the specific business establishment that should open at a given location. In cases in which a special review is required to open, as was the case in Naperville, the respective municipality may have some latitude in determining the appropriateness of the business land use, based upon the underlying zoning regulations.


"As always, if businesses have questions regarding locating a business in Lombard, feel free to contact the Lombard Community Development Department 630-620-5749.”—JAC


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Lombard calling: Since it looks like they're taking a wrecking ball to the High Point Center there off of Roosevelt Road, how about putting a Millennial Center there in its place? Think of it…you could put a microbrewery there, an organic food store, a tattoo shop and you'll definitely need several smart phone outlets. And don't forget a Starbucks. Gotta have one of those. Maybe they'll even let you use the restroom without having to buy anything! Bye.


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To the caller who said "You say you're for all LGBT, well if you were then you wouldn't be saying it shouldn't be taught in the schools," if you read it again, the other caller appeared to be talking about teaching it in relation to history class. Like that caller, I don't care whether someone is L, G, B or T, but I don't see a need to single them out as figures in history, at least not as part of mainstream American or world history taught in school, any more than I would want to see a focus on historical figures born with one leg or blue eyes. Those are also by birth, not by choice; sarcasm intended, because that comment was irrelevant to history. I don't question that teaching about LGBTs has its place, but in a sociology, cultural or other class—or as part of a section on historical movements, just as civil and women's rights are included. And what does all that have to do with being accepted? Yes, that is a sad fact of life, and tolerance and respect need to be taught in the classroom, but for all people; not just singling out LGBT individuals.


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Hi, this is Lombard calling and I'd just like to know when the library is going to be done because I'd like to go there. In the meantime, I'd like to know where that money from our taxes is right now. Because wherever it is, I'd really like to have some of it back. Thanks.


The following is a response from library officials: "The Helen Plum Library has met with village staff several times over the past few weeks to discuss building plans we outlined on our website in February.  These plans have been carefully designed to not encroach on agreements with the Lombard Park Board or impact Lilacia Park. Other concerns have been raised by the village staff regarding a longstanding agreement that has been in place for additional parking that would be granted to the library when the new building is completed. We are currently working through these considerations as we prepare to submit designs for review by the village Plan Commission." The latest renderings can be found at www.helenplum.org.—JAC


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Hi. This is Lombard calling. I'm so disappointed in how Yorktown is looking, with all the apartments and condos being built. As I drive to Target or the AMC Theater over there, I feel like the whole area is closing in on me. It's not a pretty picture. Please do not continue building more of these in the future. With Carson's closing, Lombard needs to concentrate on getting more retail stores in Yorktown, not more apartments and condos. Thank you.


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Lombard calling: It's a shame to see Carson's closing at the Yorktown Mall. I hate to say it, but I think it's only a matter of time before JC Penney's closes, too. The people who own the Yorktown Mall better come up with more creative ways of filling the empty space there. Otherwise, this mall is going to end up like the Charlestowne Mall—empty. They certainly don't need another kids playground there.


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Hey, yes, I am the police officer who called last week with regard to the divide that your emperor Obama brought to this country. Oh, yes, can you say denigration in the military, denigration of our great country, as in America's not exceptional? Oh, you forgot? OK. And how he and his Hollywood cronies are tearing apart the police and the military? Do you remember the term military "corpse" for the word "corps"? I served in the military, my son's serving. It's ridiculous, and you're going to defend that? Seriously? And with regard to the campus police officer at UIC who shot that individual, have somebody walk at you in a very aggressive manner; the term is reasonable apprehension of receiving a battery. They're walking at somebody with a pipe.


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I heard Marymae Meyer give a presentation called "Lilacs 101" at the Carriage House behind the Lombard Historical Society. What a remarkable talk and the work that woman has done is so valuable to the park district and Lombard. We truly are fortunate to have her in our town. The exhibit at the Carriage House also is remarkable. I'm just so thankful we have people so dedicated to make the presentations available to us. Thank you again to all those people who work so very hard.


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I just read where the mother of Semaj Crosby wants justice. This is the little girl who was found dead under the couch in her mother's home. The attorney for the mother said when they found the little girl, her body was covered by cockroaches. My goodness. Totally unimaginable. The house was a pigsty crawling with bugs, clothes all over. It was burned down before the police could complete their investigation. And the mother wants justice? I would like justice, too. I would like her tried for neglect of her children and sent to jail. Her other three children were taken away from her. All this time she's been on the public rolls collecting welfare. So much for DCFS and how they oversee the care of our children. What a shame.


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The people elected Donald Trump according to the Constitution. He is president of the United States. We should thank God for Trump. The first term of President Bush was magnificent, then the second term of Bush coupled with Clinton's Oval Office shenanigans and lies was a disaster. Now Obama, with his division tactics almost destroyed this country. We own a debt of gratitude to our fellow citizens for electing a non-politician to office. I truly believe President Trump is working for us. The man is blunt, rough-speaking and a businessman who truly loves this country as I do.


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Anyone living in South Lombard area (south of Roosevelt and between Highland and Main Street) and the surrounding neighborhoods should be on the lookout for a female red fox. She has been spotted alone in our backyard and two houses east with one of her kits (offspring). In other years she has had four offspring while living under the shed of our neighbor two houses east. While it is unlikely that she would attempt to prey on small children or small dogs, please do not leave any family member unattended. This is a wild animal and should not be trusted. Thank you.


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Hi. Just wondering when the Illinois Department of Transportation is planning on intervening on the severe congestion on the tollways, especially semi tractor-trailers; a 20-minute commute the other day, I counted 203 semi tractor-trailers on the road and they're taking up all the lanes. That's it.


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Hello. I was wondering why all the Bricks coupons were only for the Highland Avenue location and not the one on St. Charles. Thanks. Bye.


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Lombard, God bless America. I'd like to comment. Wow. Help wanted signs everywhere. That's because people are hiring. Why is that? Oh my gosh, maybe Mr. Trump is doing something right, as much as the Hollywood-loving liberals who'd like to criticize on their playtime shows, nonsense Jimmy Kimmel, all the hateful, spiteful liberals, hypocritical who pretend to be loving and so caring about the Earth and people, and why can't we all just get along, world peace for everybody and let's all unite. Back to my original topic. The economy is bursting at the seams. He's doing things right. And oh, by the way, the two Koreas are getting together.
