Speak Out

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May 31, 2018

Speak Out Archives


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Why did the York Township Highway department place two speed bumps across Euclid Avenue north of Roosevelt Road that are clearly a hazard due to their height and design? Are placing speed bumps like these even legal? These bumps cause vehicles to come to a near complete stop to avoid losing control and still the bumps are placing unnecessary wear and tear on our vehicles due to their abrupt design. I pay for that street through my York Township Highway tax bill and I have a right to use that street without blockades that create a hazard, wreck my vehicle and impede my travel.


Editors' note: This call is being republished in order to include a response from Michael Adams, foreman of the York Township Highway Department: "In regard to the two speed bumps that were placed on Euclid Avenue, York Township Highway Department did NOT install them. They were installed by the Village of Villa Park, in an effort to slow down the speeding, cut through traffic, on Euclid.  York Township Highway Department follows DuPage County’s guidelines of no speed bumps."—JAC


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When will it stop! Our president and other officials said something would happen after the Florida school massacre. Then the president backed down to the NRA; should we have been surprised? It's time to vote out every official—Democrat or Republican—who has not done something to end the sale of weapons of mass destruction. How often do our officials say something like "I want to...but..."? There's always a "but" and nothing is getting done.  It's time to make "gunsense" and end nonsense. Are our local schools doing anything to prevent this? I would very much appreciate a public statement from each local school district as to what they have done or may be trying to do. Our children are all at risk by nothing getting done.


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The Village of Villa Park could barely operate the run-down, rinky-dink facility at Lufkin Pool. That place was only open three months a year. Why should we have any confidence in the village's ability to handle a multimillion-dollar indoor aquatic facility that would be open all year?


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In response to the caller who is concerned about school bus design and rear end collisions blocking access to the rear door of the bus: All school bus drivers and student passengers are trained that in the event of a collision involving the rear of the bus, all passengers evacuate through the front door of the bus only. All students participate in mandatory bus evacuation drills every school year.


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I'm trying to understand why people are not hearing about the hotel they want to put up on 22nd Street next to some medical buildings and in between. There are plenty of hotels in Lombard and they are also building a Holiday Express down there, too. It just doesn't seem right, and with the condos in Yorktown; the people and the traffic and the parking, it's just going to be chaos over there. Do people know what they're doing or is the village that is hungry for money? They seem to know something and need to inform the people of something because obviously there's nothing anywhere about this on their website or anything. Something is very wrong.


Your comments were sent to the Village of Lombard for a response, which is as follows: "Hilton Tru Hotel is proposed for the property at 550 E. 22nd St. The Lombard Plan Commission held a public hearing, with proper legal notice given on April 16, with the petition being continued to May 21 and further continued to June 11, so that all comments and testimony regarding the petition could be properly considered.  Approximately 80 individuals were in attendance at the first public hearing on April 16. To facilitate additional resident participation, the village extended the geographic notice boundaries from 250 feet to 750 feet, resulting in a total of 205 property owners received a public hearing notice in the mail. The village has also had a Frequently Asked Questions page on its website since April 4, 2018, which can be found here: www.villageoflombard.org/hiltontru.


"The proposal consists of a map amendment to rezoning from the R4 General Residence District to the O Office District with a conditional use for the hotel itself along with a companion variance from the Floor Area requirements. Interested parties are welcome to submit any comments or concerns to the Lombard Community Development Department at Communitydevelopment@villageoflombard.org."—JAC


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Why do some people leave a huge amount of space between their vehicle and the vehicle ahead of them when they come to a stop light at a busy intersection? I'm not saying you need to pull within a few inches of the other car's rear bumper, but so many people stop one or even two full car lengths behind the car ahead of them. Don't these people have rearview mirrors? Don't they notice that they're often blocking cars behind them from potentially making a left or right turn at the upcoming intersection? Does anyone out there understand what I'm talking about? Pull up!


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What happened to bread stores? There used to be bread stores all over the place and they've disappeared. I was in Arizona for awhile and found four different bread stores an easy place to get to. Bring back our bread stores.


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If pet owners are going to use our lawns as pet toilets, please clean up afterward. Thank you.


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To the person who is glad that the president now allows them to say "God Bless America," you are either ignorant or dishonest. Nobody was stopping you from saying that or "Merry Christmas" when Obama was in office. That was literally never a problem, except for people stuck in fake news bubbles. Those are manufactured controversies designed to divide us as a people. No president determines what we can and cannot say—the first amendment grants us the freedom of speech. I am pretty sure that fact is taught in elementary school (and several points after). Anyhow, here is some more lying, draft-dodging, alleged tax-dodging, adulterous, questionably-literate failed-businessman/reality-TV star that you are so grateful for is causing lasting damage to our republic, its institutions and its reputation. Deficits are soaring, inequality is growing and we are splintering as a nation. We can and must do better.


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This is Lombard calling. Regarding the telephone solicitor phone calls that we are all being inundated with, there is no point to try to get yourself on a no-call list. These calls are done in sequential order; 6856, 6857, 6858. They just go right down the line. I know because I used to do it for a living. I wish we had a way to make them stop. Have a good day.


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This is Lombard calling. This is to all the dog walkers who walk their dogs and don't have the common courtesy to bring their pooper scoopers and pick up the dog waste. Some of you walk two dogs and you don't have the common courtesy to pick up your dogs' waste. It is common courtesy and it's the law that when you're walking your dog you should be picking up your dog's waste. Thank you. Bye.


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Hi. We went to Miller Ale House last Saturday and presented the ad that was in the Lombardian, sing Happy Birthday and get a free zinger appetizer. When we told the waiter that he started laughing at us and thought that we were kidding. I spoke to the manager who was all of maybe 21, and he had no clue what was going on. I'm a little disappointed that it would be in the "Many Faces" in the Lombardian and then we go to Miller Ale House and they have no clue what's going on. Thank you, bye.


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Lombard calling. I regularly drive past what looks like an apartment building in Villa Park that has a sign out in front that says, “Trump Lies Matter.” I’ve seen other signs with similar anti-Trump messages displayed outside of that apartment building pretty much since Trump became president. I don’t like the sign personally, but I support their right to put the sign up and exercise their First Amendment right to free speech. Now, imagine if someone had put up a sign in their front yard that said “Obama Lies Matter” when Obama was president. I can almost bet that such a sign would be kicked over or vandalized within a day or two because most of the left believes in free speech only when they agree with what’s being said. Bye.


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I truly feel sorry for the people who can’t look at both sides of a problem. You say the economy is the best it's ever been. Well, you know what? It is for the stock market and the CEOs of the world because they've made the highest profit they've made in 100 years. Why do you think that's happened? You're so happy with your bonus, a one-time deal in your paycheck and maybe a $30-a-month raise in your paycheck, in this day and age which is nothing. They're getting everything and we're getting nothing but you people just can't seem to see that. You have no idea, or you simply don't care what he's done to this world. I hope you can all sleep tight and when you finally wake up to realize what he's done to this great land and to the people who live here, I'm afraid you'll be shocked.
