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October 22, 2008

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This is unincorporated Lombard calling. They used to call my subdivision Beautiful Butterfield, but it’s not beautiful in the creek behind my house. People throw in their cement, pipes and bicycles, and when I ask at the local township, they say they’re not responsible for cleaning the creek. I’d like to know if you can tell me who I have to call for this.

Rob Swanson, of DuPage County’s Stormwater Management Division, recommended contacting the homeowners association, if there is one, or the owner of the parcel, to lodge your complaint. He said the owner is responsible for maintenance of the property. The exception, he continued, might be if there is a “huge blockage” in the water flow due to the debris. In that case, contact the county call center at 630-407-6700. Swanson also suggested forming an “adopt-a-stream” clean-up group, in which the county can offer assistance. If the debris was placed there from someone trespassing on the property, it is a police matter. —JAC

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Hi, to those Republicans out there who still defend their party, please, what are you thinking? There’s a chart in Sunday’s Chicago Tribune that compares 2000 versus 2008, and we are so far worse off than we’ve ever been, that I don’t know how anyone can vote Republican. The actual median household income went down. We’re spending so much more billions of dollars in the federal budget—it’s down 272 percent. The price of gas is up 143 percent. And Sarah Palin doesn’t have a clue what she’s talking about.

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Hi, I’m just listening to Mr. Obama. I see he wants to be the first socialist president of the United States. Please, people, let’s get rid of Durbin, too. He’s saying he’s for the troops after he was complaining about them all the time before, saying they were killing innocent people. We’ve got to get rid of these people.

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I happen to think “The Daily Show” is a pretty accurate description of the Republicans and Democrats. It must be a Republican complaining about the show.

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This is about the Villa Park library. According to our village trustees, president and manager, Villa Park is broke. We can’t fix our streets, there are stores going out of business, there are foreclosed houses all over, people are losing their jobs; but yet, we still want a library. Look at the banks—some banks are going out of business. The government is bailing us out because of our own stupidity, so please, vote no for the library at this time. Maybe next year it will be a different story when the economy gets better and we can build a bigger and better library. But, as of this year, please vote no. Ask your neighbors, ask people who are losing their houses what they would want to vote for; a new library, better police force, or the streets being fixed. We can’t afford a new library.

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Lombard here. My friends, you had better think twice before putting McCain in power. You can see the way he would treat the other leaders in this world if he opposes them. And, God forbid, Sarah gets in.

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The American electorate must take time to educate themselves on the best candidate. We have had 16 years of turmoil, embarrassment and no accomplishments. We are worse over the last 16 years, each year getting worse and worse. Forget party politics. Vote for the best candidate and vote out the do-nothings.

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In response to the caller from Oct. 8 who presumes to know that Sarah Palin is who I have been waiting for, may I suggest to that person—speak for yourself. We once had a Chatty Cathy doll who also spoke instantly because it was programmed to say the same meaningless, irrelevant, razzle-dazzle over and over again. Mr. Obama deliberates before he speaks, consequently producing intelligent, thoughtful answers. He is a humble, compassionate servant of the American people.

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This is Lombard calling. I just wanted to say that after reading SPEAK OUT the last several weeks, it doesn’t seem like there’s anything new, fun or controversial. You people are really just phoning it in. There are no more zingers about the theater, or people drinking beer in their back yard which is visible from the Prairie Path. You people really need to start making an effort again and phoning in more controversial things. What about the high price of gold—who’s going to do anything about that? That’s all I have to say.

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To the person who called in and said that all feminists must be loving Sarah Palin running for vice president, you must not be following the election on TV, in the papers or on the Internet. All us “feminists” do not want an Alaskan governor who thinks because she lives next to Russia she is an expert on foreign relations. Start paying attention.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. I just wanted to offer my condolences to Mr. Z’s employees and entire family. Mr. Z, you will be very missed and at least one thing for sure—heaven will now have the best meat in town. God bless and thank you so much for all you did.

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This is a response: Only about two years ago Robert Ayers was in Venezuela visiting his friend, Hugo Chavez, praising him for the socialist, anti-capitalism agenda in his schools. As a professor, Ayers is still promoting this. Mayor Daley and Obama call him a respected member of the community. There’s a red flag. As Obama was beginning his political career, he worked closely, not incidentally, with Ayers. They both apparently funneled thousands of dollars to ACORN, which is accused of promoting voter fraud and socialist revolution in the classroom. Forget reading, writing and science; they are not considered important. Ayers isn’t just a radical—he’s a terrorist and admitted murderer. If Obama doesn’t have second thoughts about working closely with a terrorist and the Democrats don’t either, God help us if he gets elected.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. I’d like to make a reference to the fourth page of the Oct. 8 issue of the Lombardian and the political cartoon that was on there. I’d like to say that it was really festive of this month to have Leatherface, Freddy Krueger and Jason Vorhees in the political cartoon. I love the festiveness of the month and the Halloween holiday, and keep it up. It makes the paper awesome. Have a good day.

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Kudos to whoever picked the new lamp posts on Main Street. They really add a nice touch of elegance to Lombard’s Main Street. Thanks to whoever did it.

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Pay close attention, ladies and gentlemen. A ruthless businessman banker many years ago said, “Let me control all the money and I will control all the people.” So, if you let the Federal Reserve take control of all of the banks, you will end up being sorry until the day you die. Tell your congressman and senator, no way, under no circumstances let the Federal Reserve control the banks.

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This is Lombard calling. I’m sick and tired of the sick and tired people complaining about the kids wanting a place to skateboard. They don’t realize what the facts are. If a kid is not fortunate enough to be on a school sports team, or have money enough for organized sports, they’re pretty much left out. Most places where they could do something, they are run off by complainer nosy-bodies. Or, they can’t go to the park because basketball courts are overrun by big guys from other towns. Why don’t you go to Glen Ellyn by the post office and see their skate park? It’s not exactly walking distance for most kids, but it’s very nice. My kids played baseball in the street and not one person got upset about the kids playing there, so give it a break.

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A couple of things. I used to live in Lombard. I stayed in Lombard for a week or two—came back—good to know that the destruction of Lombard streets is still strong. Also, I’m still really wondering why everyone’s so up in arms over the economy. Gas prices are going down, because Bush is going to be out of office. His cohorts are done making their money. They’ve profited, it’s over and done with. It happens every election year. Vote independent.

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Hi. The new street lights on Main Street look great. I was wondering where the light switch is.

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Lombard calling in response to another rebuttal about the individual who was saying I’m a whiner and go through red lights and stop signs all the time. Well, I’ve got news for you. They’re going to get your money too, whether you know it or not. You can be a good driver and get these tickets for $100. I don’t care what kind of driver you are. And, don’t insinuate that I’m blowing stop signs.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. In response to last week’s comment about the Texan Barbecue closing its doors, I’m sad to see it go, for it was the only happening restaurant in downtown Lombard. Everything is closing in downtown Lombard. I know there’s talk and plans of people trying to liven up downtown Lombard, but they’ve been talking and planning for longer than maybe I’ve been alive. Nobody’s doing anything. It just keeps sitting there and it just keeps getting worse. Everybody talks and talks and talks, but nobody does anything. Somebody, please get some hip, happening places in downtown Lombard. Let’s look at our fellow neighboring towns. It’s about that difficult. It can be done. Elmhurst has, like, three downtowns, but we can’t even have one. It’s really a shame.

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This is Villa Park calling. I hope people on voting day rise to the occasion and vote down both referendums for the Villa Park library. The one thing we don’t need during these tough economic times is our taxes increasing as well as the building of a building that Villa Park does not need, not at this time. We’re not utilizing the old building efficiently.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling, reading that the village nixed the gun shop idea for the industrial park. It’s just too bad that we’re driving respectable businesses out of town based on irrational fears. You have a 30-year-old business that needs to move and Lombard shuts the door on it. Good job, Lombard. Way to keep the town growing.

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Lombard calling in response to the caller who questioned if we should be more concerned with Obama’s incidental contact with a 1960s radical who’s now a respected member of society, or should we be more concerned with McCain’s inclusion in the Keating five concerning an S and L that “cost us millions.” First, Obama’s contact with Ayers is not incidental. He apparently kicked off Obama’s campaign in his home. Second, McCain was cleared of any wrongdoing. Third and most important, how can the caller compare anything to do with finances of an S and L with activity by Ayers that killed a judge and New York police officers, for which he was not prosecuted on a technicality, but for which his current wife went to prison? And, what compounded the charge against Ayers is that he has not, and will not, apologize for his actions; in fact, he says he should have done more.

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Hi, it’s about 5:30 p.m. Monday. I saw that the American stock market went up about 936 1/2 points after the U.S. agreed to buy their stake into certain banks in the United States. The United States government is the one who forced the problem, the huge drop in the stock market. Now, they want to shore up what they messed up, only so they can get their claws into people’s personal accounts, 401Ks. This is George Orwell’s “1984” to the worst extreme. And, people just don’t realize it.

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Villa Park calling. I was going to vote yes for the new library, but I’ve just decided to vote no and tell all my friends. I found out that the cost of modifying the current library is not about the same as a new library as they want you to believe. It is less than half the price of the a new library to be built. They don’t want you to know that. Vote no, no, no.

According to information on the library’s Web site, the library does maintain that the cost of expansion and renovation is comparable to building a new facility. Their information, though, also states that upgrading to more energy efficiency, such as with heating/air conditioning and wiring; along with replacing outdated equipment, such as the elevator, would be necessary to comply with current codes and ADA requirements. Officials said, too, that the library needs more space and that a third story cannot be built onto the current building. You can view the costs and complete information at villapark.lib.il.us. —JAC

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I hope that Villa Park votes no for a new library. The building is less than 45 years old so it’s not that old. If they need more space then they should have a company come in and redo the floor plan. They have two huge counter stations set up in the center of the main floor, just wasting valuable floor space. One of the large counters only has one person sitting at it. If you redesign the floor and reduce the counter stations, then the library will have plenty of space for books and whatever it is you need the space for. Why use valuable tax dollars for a new library when it’s not necessary? In about 20 years or less, hardly anyone will ever use the library thanks to the Internet anyway.

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Village stickers, I thought they were to serve a purpose. I guess not. I live in an apartment complex; several people got tickets last year for $100. I buy my sticker every year and I see there are several people who don’t have their stickers. Come on, Lombard, enforce the law or get rid of the stickers.

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On Oct. 4 Republicans voted down a Democratic bill to extend unemployment benefits beyond the current six months; 9.5 million Americans are now out of work. An additional 6.1 million are working only part-time. No one knows how many more have simply given up. These are the same lawmakers who bailed out the financial industry with $700 billion of your tax money. How long will it take for that windfall to trickle down to Main Street in the form of good jobs? Don’t hold your breath.

